Breaking Akihito ch 8

Nov 20, 2007 03:24

Breaking Akihito Ch 8

Pairing: Asami x Akihito

Disclaimer” All characters belong to Yamane Ayano

Rating: R, violence, language, and general character abuse

A/n : I’m not sure but it looks like this chapter may stand alone to be the ending. Tell Me what you think.

“Spoken”, ‘Thoughts’, italics- for reminiscing

Akihito POV

A voice that can only be described in terms of “thunder” spoke to him. It rumbled low, there were piercing cracks, and sonic booms. It promised of things to come in the near future or things that have past and always left with a promise to return.

He understood everything and absolutely nothing it said to him and he didn't care. As long as this voice kept speaking to him he would do what ever it wanted.

Akihito found himself huddled in the smallest darkest corner he could find- which were all of them, knees drawn to his chest, releasing a heavy sigh while contemplating the series of events that got hi to this point- locked in what he assumed where the bowls of Scion.

‘ Why couldn’t it would be as it was in the beginning? Sure he was bastard but it was just because it was awkward for him… to. A confusing blur of images, words, moments and feeling flashed through his mind.

‘ In hindsight, maybe I should have seen this coming. The man had to be insane.. After all, what kind of Yakuza boss would talk a male lover. I knew what he is and what he does. I-I just thought, not me. He would be different with me. Maybe my love would become our love and he would love me.’

He really didn’t care how he got there he just hoped that Asami would show up soon and take him home. It was cold, dark and damp. He could hear water dripping somewhere in the distance. He figured maybe he should be plotting a way out of here while he waited on … Someone had to be on their way to check on him, they had to, cause he was hungry… and had to use the bathroom.. And since he is pretty regular it had to be at least 48 hours since he used the corner of his cell 6 times. Disgusting as the math was he was beginning to get worried. At this rate he would be waist deep in shit.

Eyes that were accustomed to the empty living blackness raked over the slightly shivering body. ‘I cannot see why Asami’s obsessed with him. Weak, pathetic and would only bring Asami to ruin.’ He let a soft chuckle hang in the stagnant air of the dungeon. ‘Although, if I’m lucky I might even get to fuck myself, wouldn’t that be an experience. To bad I have to kill him, I would have loved to keep him as a pet. He’s somewhat cute when he’s being degraded and humiliated.’ He knew exactly what he wanted to do to Akihito-kun. All he had to do was make the decision to take his own life… After all he couldn’t have the boy gaining control over his body again. Looking at the drab surroundings he’s walking in.. its so "Count De Mont Christo".. So, "Marquis de Sade"… so, "Phantom of the Opera" but definitely drama queen… bad d- movie drama camp queen. If it wasn’t so pathetic he would laugh

Wrapped in his own self-pity he did not hear the soft steps of Takaba-sama approaching within a few feet in front of the cell he called out, “Akihito-kun, stop your sniveling. I must show you something. Asami wants you to see what you have become. “ He stopped in front of the cell door watching the boy shiver in the cell of his own making.. He hated that version of Akihito. So weak and stupid .

“Go away can’t you see I’m busy plotting my escape”, then the words struck him, “…Wait! What do you mean, I’ve been locked in here for weeks.”

“Oh, no Akihito-kun, you’ve been quite the busy little bugger lately. In fact you’ve even secured a place Asami-sama’s hea-(rt)… organization.” Takaba-sama tapped the door lock. A series of clicks and gears grind before the door creaks open. The familiar sound made Takaba-sama’s teeth set on edge, remembering the sound of his release.

“ Follow me, Asami has a collection of your works that are his favorite. He is very proud of you. You’ve become the type of man he’s always wanted.”

“I-I have?” Akihito’s eyebrows knit together. “He is. I am, but I’ve been in here for so long. “His eyes began to tear up string holes in his knees.

“ I’ll show you the pictures”, he gave a big false smile as he offered Akihito-kun his hand.

Akihito slowly unfurled his limps and slide up the wall looking cautiously at Takaba-sama…who looked like him but not like him… kind of, like when you walk past a mirror, or try a new look that’s just not quite “you”. Therefore, he stared at the offered hand.

Takaba-sama stared back reminding himself of his plan as he waited for Akihito-kun, “ All the boy had to do is come with me. All he has to do is wish to die, then his consciousness will simply cease to exist and I can have his body and that other little twit will be easy enough to get rid of. Asami thinks he’s so fucking smart. He thinks he’s so fucking cool. I’ll show him. ’Takaba-sama grew impatient with Akihito-kun who had moved no further from his spot than to stand up in it. “Ugh! For fuck sakes…I don’t have time for this.”

“Hey! Brat! Unfuck yourself from that corner and get your ass over here! I said I don’t have all fucking day.” He didn’t want to but he would have to go in to get this boy. A chill ran up Takaba-sama’s spine as he crossed the threshold, closing the distance between the two quickly. He grabbed Akihito-kun by the wrist dragging him out of the cell, down the corridor and deeper into the dungeon.



Akihito’s cheeks flushed and he trembled as he continued to kneel in the doorway. So few times had he been in the presence of Asami-sama without permission of Takaba-sama, and now he felt quite overwhelmed by the Absolute Seme aura. All he’s ever known is the mind blowing sex, at the exact moment of Asami-sama’s climax then Takaba-sama would drag him way before he could feel his Asami-sama’s body meld and the others warmth spread through ever cell of his body becoming a part of him forever. Takaba-sama would have none of that. Before he could relies his body wasn’t being pound into he was snatched back into that hellish inky black nothingness. Asami-sama was not near the monster that Takaba-sama made him sound like. Truthfully he was actually more afraid of Takaba-sama… and he was so tired of being afraid.

He’d decided all on his own that, maybe, if he could appeal to Asami-sama for help he would not have to stay there. Which was a big step for him because he never made decisions on his own, or rather he never remembered making a decisions on his own before he woke up. Since then, it’s been a living nightmare. When Takaba-sama wasn’t using him as a stand in, he schemed against Akihito-kun, which made him feel even more guilty after he’d sort of met Akihito-kun. Then one day after he was alone in the dark drifting back to sleep after again being so un-ceremoniously dumped into his cell, alone, or so he thought - until he heard the weeping.

“I don’t want to alarm you but I don’t know how long I have here, Takaba-sama doesn’t know I’ve left yet…and I’m worried that Takaba-sama is going to hurt Akihito-kun very soon and … I-I’m afraid of what he’s going to do to us. Please help us.” Akihito bowed his head to Asami’s feet with arms stretched out in front of him with hands over lapping the epitome of groveling.

“In exchange Asami-sama…” He could live with being Asami-sama’s mistress. Asami-sama’s mistress, sounds like a comfortable deal; all the food and sex you can eat, what more could a slut want. Moreover, it was not that he did not like Akihito-kun, but he was afraid too, therefore no help at all. Its just he didn’t know of any other way, but he couldn’t drop the nagging feeling he’d made that promise before.


‘Pictures, what kind of pictures?” Akihito-kun felt his mind bumping up against something but couldn’t quite get it to reveal itself.

“Did you say something boy?” Takaba-sama didn’t slow their rushed pace, but he did turn his head just a bit to spare a glance, the faster he could get this over with the better.

Akihito took the opportunity to study his face and ask a question, “N-no, I was just thinking. What kind of pictures? I don’t remember taking any and well I can’t think of any film I haven’t developed lately.” The further he was drug, the more he felt as if the atmosphere were weighing him down.

“What part of Scion is this?”

“It’s not….and as for the pictures I guess you could call them family portraits.” Takaba-sama decided then he just might like to stay to see his sexy half-self’s conscience completely slip. If it weren’t for that brat, damn him. No one told him to surface. Not that he would be a real problem, he just didn’t like him to be to close to Asami without him watching.

“Stomp asking stupid questions, you’ll be there soon enough and you can enjoy your handy work. Asami sure did. I think you will enjoy the last volume the most…it’s a collaboration. It’s titled Matsubara Clan.”

“Co-Collaboration…with who?”

“Asami of course, he’s your number one fan,” he smiled as he moved faster.

Akihito felt like he was gradually becoming less aware of his surroundings. At first it was all brick walls and cell doors. He felt along the narrow hall walls as he banged into them as he stumbled after Takaba-kun. Eventually they entered a long corridor with dim lamps hanging from high ceilings. These walls were lined with dark cells as well but at least he could see them and glimpse what was inside.

However the further they went up or down , he wasn’t sure which they were doing, it was all turning into a blur, and the hairs on the back of his neck where standing on end. His body was screaming a warning but it wasn’t registering .

“Not Scion? Then where the hell am I.”

A smile crept across Takaba-sama’s face, “We’re here.” They stood in front of a large heavy mahogany door , with three large deadbolts and Takaba-sama knew exactly how to use the keys.

Akihito looked at the door and the door seemed to shy away from Takaba-sama.. Something wasn‘t …“No! I-I don’t want to go in there.” Akihito-kun snatched away from Takaba-sama.

Takaba-sama spun around to face the retreating original copy of himself. Briefly, he relished the fear and struggle he was experiencing. The boys face was pale, eyes wide and wild as if he’d already seen what was waiting for him, and he trembled as if faced with a monster it was to late to escape from… only the monster wasn’t in the room or lurking somewhere unseen waiting to pounce. He’d been tricked down the rabbit hole by the monster himself and actually was faced with his own death. The irony of it Achased the anger at Akihito’s opposition melt away into façade of calm care.

Reaching out to Akihito-kun once more, “come here. Take my hand. There’s nothing to fear. They’re simply photographs you took. Your memories…” a soft chuckle shook his shoulders, “ now what can you fear from yourself. He turned his back to Akihito-kun; casting a smirk back over his shoulder, “See I’ll even go in with you.“ He took a few steps to the large black door in front of them.

Akihito stood his ground. He could have sworn he saw a forked tongue slip between the other mans lips, which lead his resolve about , “ I’m not going in there. I don’t care what Asami say, take me back to My cell, if he wants to talk then I’ll talk to him there.”

Takaba-sama continued unlocking the seemingly complicated lock mechanisms on the door. It struck Akihito as more than odd that he used no keys, just two fingers and a series of taps and clicks, like Morris code, and the locks pop one after another until the door creaked open.

It sent chills down Akihito’s spine …the door’s creak sounded like it was trying to warn him to…

It opened, “rrrrrrrrrrruuuuunnn,’ it rested with its mouth gaping open , “nnow.” The door sounded absolutely ghostly but the deep timber of the warning reminded him of Asami.

“Look Akihito its like…awesome.”

His lips trembled and his heart raced as the air rushed up and through him . It felt like the room had released a deep breath further making him feel like the room was alive.

The light reached out and grabbed Akihito. It turned his face to see who Takaba-sama .

Takaba-sama’s face slackened into a frown , “I understand,” his shoulders hunched showing his disappointment, he slowly shuffled back to Akihito, “ You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”

He placed his arm on Akihito’s shoulder. His hand in Akihito’s hair just behind his ear. He beamed a friendly smile down at the boy still shrinking away from the door.

Immediately feeling uneasiness with his touch Akihito-kun blurts out , “ you know I’m Asami’s favorite pet. You’d better keep your hands off of me if you know what’s best for you.”

Takaba-sama’s hands clinched shut holding a fistful of soft brown hair, “ you little bitch, get your ass in here.” With little trouble at all, even though he fought as much as he could, dragging the boy by the hair they entered the library.

The door closed behind them with a shriek, “ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeck, noooh.”


Asami was pissed as he yelled through the phone at “The Good Doctor”.

“We’re on the way to the hospital. Apparently there are three Akihito’s. Yes not just a psycho murdering Akihito but a lusty slut Akihito. What’s more.. I think Takaba is about to kill himself.”

“Great. I’ve been waiting for this…uh.. Sorry Asami-sempai I didn’t mean to sound to chipper… but I expected this day to come. You must get to the office immediately” the man chirped over the line back to Asami who was already racing out of the penthouse to his car.

Akihito-chan did his best to keep up with Asami’s hurried steps, when he felt the prickly familiar consciousness becoming stronger..

“Uh…sami-sama?” A tiny scared voice sang behind Asami. The terror in it spun Asami around to face a pale white Akihito who’s eyes were cast to the left , staring at nothing against the parking garage wall.

“ Come on , I’m taking My car.”

“b-but Takaba-sama” the voice was shaking and refused to become more audible


“ …is right over there.” Just as he spoke the Akihito’s breath caught in his throat , immediately he began choking and fighting like… like someone had their hands around his throat.

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