Fic: A Beautiful Day part 3

Sep 19, 2007 15:57

A beautiful day part 3
Rating: NC 17
Pairing: Asami x Akihito
A/N: Do not read this while eating. Not for the squimish. I'm sorry if I offend anyone

"Well it seems as if you no longer take me seriously Asami. I will just have to show you how much steel is in my resolve," the man spoke as he slipped into darkness.

As his footsteps faded Akihito lifted his head. He tries to survey the room but he can't see past the white circular cell of light surrounded by a prison of black. Several minutes later he calls out, "Hello. Is anyone out there," his voice echo's back to him giving him the all clear. He immediately tries to squirm out of the wrist cuffs with his uninjured hand.

"Stop it. Its a trap."

"No. I'm almost loose." He slips his uninjured hand through the cuff.

"Think Akihito. You couldn't get loose before they broke your fingers, but now when there doesn't appear to be anyone around your cuffs are going to be just loose enough to slip your good hand through."

"...But if I - “

"Let's say you do get out... what then? You think they're just going to let you walk out. No. They'll just Lock you up somewhere away from me so I can't see you in hopes that it will disturb me enough to sign these," Asami through the contract at the bars allowing the papers to flutter around the front of the cell, through the bars and onto the floor.

" That’s not even considering that the guards are just being very quit. So yelling, ’ hello,’ and expecting them to go, ‘yeah, I'm over here. Don't move.‘ is a very...hmm.. lets just say- improbable."

"How did-"

" He loosened them when he knelt next to you. While he spoke to distract you, his hand reach out to flip a safety latch. Safety latches are not usually on a good quality set of cuffs... those are cheap novelties. The kind you would find in a House of horrors at a carnival."

"Well I can just break out of them then," he bristled at Asami.

"No. Even then you would need a considerable amount of upper body strength to break out- which you don't have. The cuffs have been loosened so that if you decide to struggle against them by yanking your wrist the latch will eventually pop open. It also means you still have missed the point of what I just said."

"Then What the Hell am I supposed to do. I can't just sit here all night and do nothing." His blood was absolutely boiling. He was so mad that for a moment he actually started to forget he was cold and the painful throb had lessened.

" They are coming Akihito. And you won't be doing nothing all night. You'll be needing the little energy you have left. You're in shock. I need you to stay calm."

" You don't have to worry about me. I can take care of myself."

" Worrying about you is my favorite past time."


"I know." He cut Akihito off again just for the fun of it.

" Will. You. Stop that." They were quiet for a few more minutes. Asami just wanted to see how long it will take for the boy to start up again... Only the boy hadn't started up again, even after he counted to 60. He watched the boy hang his head low and it seemed like his breathing was becoming labored again. Maybe he should have let him keep his hope but imagining what would happen if he was right was a far worse image than the one before him. He couldn't bring himself to look at the oddly turned bruised and broken fingers.

"Hey, kid. Look at me." He waited until the boy turned his attention toward him before he slowly stood up. He didn't just stand up. He exhibited. He captured Akihito's eyes with his own. He ran his fingers through his hair as he tilted his head back. He slowly licked his lips, then slightly nibbled the lower to make it plump. His left hand cradled his head as his right traveled up his body starting at the thigh then slowly slithered up the side of his body onto his chest, up his neck and into his mouth then two fingers proceeded to mock fuck his mouth.

Akihito was captivated, blushing a pale pink instead of red. He'd seen this side of Asami only a few times. Even then it was a faint foggy memory usually during the process of him becoming a mindless fuck puppet- in what may or may not be during a dream-it was still to hard to tell at times. However now, right now. He's beginning to think that maybe all those times before. Maybe he'd been reading all the signs wrong and wasted valuable precious time. He knew and understood exactly what the man was trying to do. Even though he wanted his body to become rock hard ... he was to tired and cold to care. Asami was right.. he's always been right.. "I'm going into shock," his head dropped again. "No. I don't want to lose sight of him. I want my last moments to be filled with as much of him as possible." He was shivering uncontrollably now. It was becoming harder and harder to keep his eyes open.

"Akihito. Don't go to sleep." Asami gripped the bars. His plan wasn't working. He looked at the blood matted dirty blonde hair. He'd lost a lot of blood, had a head trauma, is naked, cold, wet, probably hungry, maybe suffering from a concussion.

The Man appeared out of nowhere carrying something on his shoulder. "Bravo, Asami, there's nothing like a young boy to make an old man act in such a juvenile manner. Hmm, I wonder how many other young boys you hold secretly... ya know you have been to America a lot these past few years." The man stepped from the darkness again except his face was hooded.

"Hmm, are you sure your not a member of N.A.M.B.L.A.. Asami?" He leans down to inspect the young mans face more closely.

“ What’s that mean? National Association of Mafia Bastards Like Asami?” The younger man snorted.

There was soft laughter heard coming from the dark. So soft it could have been someone breathing hard. However it came from neither the man or the prisoners. The man snapped around furiously shouting into the dark. "Who was that! Seize him and bring him forth."

There was some scuffling and dragging feet.

"Ah..tsk..tsk.. how sloppy of you 'soon to be dead-san', bringing such undisciplined men with you. That’s very sloppy and unprofessional," Asami scoffed from his cell.

The offending henchmen was thrown before ’soon to be dead-san’. He bowed until his head hit the floor, pleading for forgiveness. Maybe he would have gotten away with it but the man was either the new guy or an imbecile.

He foolishly uttered, " Thank you , Kakashi-sama," his last words before his head exploded all over the floor.

"Twit." The unpleased man spat out. He produced a handkerchief then slowly cleaned the sledge hammer of bits of brain, blood, skull and hair.

“Oh My God!! You’re crazy!” Akihito shrieked.

"Now back to what I was saying before being so rudely interrupted..."

"My, my Kakashi-sempai, you could have at least introduced yourself. If I would have known you were from the Organization of the Leaf I would have signed sooner. However the Leaf is such a large and multinational conglomerate. What is it that you would want with my miniscule, albeit profitable company. And why hasn't the head of your organization contacted me before your attempt at contract negotiations?" Asami smiles the only courteous business smile in his arsenal.- a full smirk. He had the satisfaction of finally remembering who this man is going to used to be and figured out why it was happening this way. He was quite sure it had nothing to do with business.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Two months ago~~~~~~~~~

Akihito had begged him for weeks to go on his upcoming business trip to Sweden. Asami vehemently said, “No”, each and every time.. sometimes without even looking up from his paper work. Sometimes he would barely open his mouth before he‘d hear a stern , “No.” Some times all he received was a well spanked ass. It still didn’t stop him from trying, Akihito was beside himself. He pouted, he sulked, offered wild and imaginative sex.

He was sure that Asami had gone on such a trip thousands of times before. This time, this time, it was different. This time Asami and the sum of his parts belonged to him and it would be over his dead body if Asami even thought he’d be plowing through any “ snow bunnies” this year.

Asami, with a sense of twisted perverse enjoyment, denied the boy what he wanted so much. He relished that but what he really anticipates is the look on his face when the brat found out that he was already going. He could only register the feeling that seemed to crawl up his spine and threaten to break the iron mold of his face into a full ear to ear grin as ‘giddy”.

A few weeks later he was having teary eyed Akihito sex in the snow.

However this was a business trip. There were banquets to attend, conferences being held and deals being made. As usual Asami found Akihito stunning in his new winter casual clothes and suits, it was marvelous how Akihito could hold his own in any situation, at how he seemed to blend in with the attractive sophisticate, to educated political banter straight into regular guy at the pub politics.

So it wasn’t his fault that no matter where he went with the young man Akihito would step from the limo looking freshly debauched adding yet another dimension to his natural appeal.

Socially Akihito had no rival when it came to the escorts attending the gatherings. Asami took pride in the jealous ogling of his prize when they figured out Akihito wasn’t from a service and was neither cheap, easy or just eye candy. He'd wowed and charmed some high ranking officials and almost started a war between two sheikhs for his attention- luckily Asami was able to diffuse the situation. Humor lit his eyes when Akihito managed to network some business for himself that didn't have to do with his current job as a "snoop" as Asami politely calls it but none the less insulting. And for those who knew or managed to find out (by getting to close) that Akihito was Asami's steady boyfriend.

Asami managed to find a way to fuck him at every function, luncheon, engagement and night. Tonight was no different, something about the nights crisp winter air and his tanned skin that made him look seductively vivacious, so made to be assaulted.

"Come here I want to show you something." Asami waggled his eyebrows.

"I bet you do, you old letch, can I just finish-" Akihito was yanked away from the hors d’oeuvre waiter.

" You can network later."

Akihito found he didn't mind much seeing another little known beautiful spot, hidden from the world, with another fantastic view of what ever was in front of him; as long as Asami kept licking him down there.

At yet another ball for distinguished organized crime leaders and their affiliates, also known as the Association of Leaders of International Free Trade Organization . Just after lodging himself deep inside Akihito, Asami got the distinct feeling someone was watching them…from not very far away.

If his guards weren’t an earshot away from him he would have reluctantly pulled himself from the hot , tight comfort… depending on the severity of the threat anyway. Although he is quite sure he could still snipe the intruder with his dick in its sheath, he‘s not quite sure he can get Akihito back in the mood after a blood bath.

Completely sated he returns to the ball with a quite wobbly and very visibly debauched Akihito. Asami kept a very possessive arm around the younger man as he surveyed the crowd for anyone who was paying more attention than the usual jealous stare or wishful thinking.

He didn’t find it.

All was quiet after the ball until two days before their departure. While sightseeing as only a photographer does, he stumbled upon a very intimate neighborhood restaurant. It was a small struggling mom and pop organization where he made quick friends with the locals and promised to return that night with his boyfriend for dinner.

Had it not been for Akihito’s use of the word “boyfriend “ in his reference to Him, so freely and naturally Asami would have refused and whisked him to another posh dining establishment for the insanely rich without a second thought or backward smirk. However, he’d grilled the armed guard , who had the misfortune to lose at rock paper scissors for “Takaba detail”, on how he said it, what his face looked like when he said it; was he smiling, did he laugh, was it a full smile or half a smile; did he laugh, was it a full laugh like he heard something hilarious, or was it a nervous laugh, did he rube the back of his neck when he laughed, did he avert his eyes and rub the back of his neck when he laughed; did he talk about him, did his eyes take that far away dreamy look, did he blush… et cetera… etc.. After his questions were satisfied, by who was now a visibly shaken guard, he was more than prepared to shovel out the money for the mom and pop to go franchise, hell even international.

As the meal closed and Akihito befriended the entire restaurant and staff, Asami smirked like a 35 year old Yamane fan girl when he’d caught something. Someone taking his Akihito’s photograph, from the street. It wouldn’t have bothered him much , but he was only taking pictures of Akihito. Carefully waiting for him to separate from his lover.

Asami nodded to the guard then nodded toward the camera man.

Asami gently looped an arm around his waist, then taking his thumb under his shirt tail to stroke the taught soft flesh just above his hip bone. The reaction was perfect. A momentary pause as the mere touch of his finger commands his complete attention. His breath quickens, heart begins to race, his temperature begins to rise as he releases some of his own pheromones. He loses his train of thought, and absent mindedly leans back into the larger mans side. His eyes roll shut.

Everyone watches as Akihito melts into the older man. Its so erotic some patrons hoot and give cat calls to the lusty couple.

Asami tilts his head to Akihito’s ear ,“ Are you ready. My Love.”

Akihito’s eyes flash bright and wide, “ yeah gotta go”, he waves and excuses himself from his new friends. He grips Asami’s hand from under his shirt and races to the car almost dragging a smirking Asami behind him.

As they step from the restaurants exit Asami scans the area. They were set up. Who ever it was waited for Akihito to come back to this place, maybe even alone.. Then what? What if he hadn’t come, then Akihito being Akihito went by himself to drown his sorrows and coddle his pride in the restaurants quadruple chocolate ice cream cake

“Now, how did you find that quant little restaurant today?” He licked up the center of Akihito’s back.

“ I ran into a guy while I was antiquing a couple of times he took me there and I thought it would be nice to look at you under the candle light in such a warm place,” he smiled as he yanked Asami on top of him through the limo door.

“ When was this? Why hadn’t my men told me this? I must insist that you stop befriending my men.”

That killed whatever mood Akihito was in.

“ What! You still don’t trust me. You’re still having me followed. Christ Asami its not like I came all this way to fuck somebody besides you. “ flipping onto his stomach he tries to scuttle way from his molester only to be dragged back.

Asami rests his forehead between the boys shoulder blades“ That’s not it… I completely trust you. “ He sighed. “ Don’t get excited. I think someone is targeting you."

Slips the pants down over his hips excited by the way they sprang out like ,'something perfect', but what to compare it to was completely lost to him.

“M-me!? Why me. I didn’t do anything. I swear Asami. Take all my film. Its all people- I mean regular people and buildings and parks. Tourist stuff… Get. Off Me!” He pops his hips up and shakes them trying to get Asami to shake loose.

"Now think carefully.. Have you met anyone while you were out. Did you talk to anyone who struck you as strange. Did anything happen that in hindsight you think is odd.”

“Um-uh, like a guy dating an Old Yakuza. How about going to Sweden to spend quality time with the Old Bastard Yakuza, only to be surrounded by other shady characters who might be friends to said Yakuza boss, excuse me Old Bastard Yakuza Boss- cause I'd hate to leave out any details. And now a friend of afore mentioned Yakuza boss formally known as Old Bastard Yakuza Boss, but to save time I'll just call him Yakuza boss; might be out to kill me for god only knows what you did cause I sure as hell didn't do anything. Did you mean something like that?" He sighed, letting his body sink into the soft leather, resting his head on his arms. " Can I just go home."

Asami flinched, a bit uneasy with where this conversation was leading, "We'll be at the hotel in 15 min."

"No I mean Japan. Were I'm relatively safe in our home, with your security guards, your bed sheets, and where you can relax a... I'm...I just…"

The sob was being fought back with sheer will, only Asami could hear it clearly singing through the strings of his tensed body. So he did what any decent Bastard Yakuza would do. Slipping his hand down the front of Akihito's pants only to find the once screaming cock fully asleep.

They looked at each other. Akihito blushed.

"Well what do you expect. News of impending death tends to kill the mood."

"Hmm, I wonder if there is anything I can do about it..."

" I don't think even you ca- hai ahhai hai hai haiiii"

Asami had other plans which included driving two lubed fingers deep into Akihito’s ass stopping the boy in mid buck .

***** Back at the hotel

" You know we should come here more often. I've never been to a place where the hot tub was in the same room. Its kind of like your, why don't you have a hot tub in your penthouse.”

"Because I have two in My mansion," sipping his wine.

"Bleah-bleh bla blew in bly blanblon- I was just asking. You didn't have to get all snooty about it.” he nestled deeper into Asami’s lap allowing the mans not exactly flaccid penis to nestle in between his cheeks.

Asami reached around the wiggling body to take the half empty champagne flute away. “ And I only said its not in my penthouse. Besides…”

“oooh yeah! I forgot.. Some one did recommend it to me.”

“ What are you talking about now?”

“ The restaurant… Lets see his name was.. His name is…. Something so familiar… the village of the leaf. Yeah that’s right.. Kakashi-sensi…(giggle)I thought it was funny because his name reminded me of my favorite anime..(giggle) I thought the guy was crazy cause he said he was a part of the “Organization of the leaf”. So I said something funny about the Naruto manga and he didn’t get it.


Nonchalantly walking to Akihito’s side he wrapped bandages around his broken finger. Akihito squirmed and flinched but otherwise was glad to get something like medical attention even though it was excruciating.

Then the man stood and he uttered his last words of warning with a hint of sincere apology “Akihito please for your own good convince Asami to sign the contract… I was truly hoping to take you as my mistress….”

“ God Damn it! Asami! .. See what you did! Now everyone in the fucking underworld wants to fuck me. You bastard..” Akihito stopped short in his rant when the thump of the sledge hammer of ”the- man -Asami- is- gonna- kill -sempai” struck the hard cement floor in front of his toes.

"No! No! NooerrGAAAAAAAAH- NAAAAAAAAAAH!" Asami's was wrenched from his thoughts to the sight of Akihito being force to sit in a chair. Two men held one arm and leg on either side of his body; bending him slightly forward they make his ass protrude enough to be lowered onto the long fat dildo sticking up from the center. It had to be at least an inch or two longer than Asami's own cock, as well as an inch wider. At least it was well lubed which he could see from his cell but to large for the tight passage he knew very well. Akihito was to weak and sick to fight as his body is forced up and down the phallus. After several minutes Akihito's body had finally swallowed the entire cock as his cheeks came to rest on the seat. Sitting bolt upright, face upturned, lips taught lines over clinched teeth and eyes shut tight as he attempted to turn his brain off. Small wimpers issued from his throat and tears rolled out from long lashes, beads of sweat ran down the tremble body as the quivering flesh drained of its color. He was the picture of agony; even in his fall from grace he has elegance in his woe.

Even with Fei Long the boy had suffered but Asami had never seen his torment- that made it easier for him to sleep at night. Now the sight of the pale mewling man who ,'suffering again because of me, because he wanted to be loved by me, to have spent time with me like normal couples do...', Asami bit back the thought and silently prayed his men would come soon. He just hoped Akihito hadn't found and removed the chip from his tooth... or they were both dead.

“Asami I want you to know the only reason that I haven’t killed you both is … I want him. I never really wanted to hurt him but you gave me no choice.. But I will give you one more opportunity for submission. He‘s quite a beautiful specimen. Though I am quite rich I only imagine the type of life you must give him and the only way I can make that happen is for Me to have what you have in totality. ” He leans down to kiss the pale sweating forehead. “ I’m sure we can put this behind us one day my love. We’ll sit back sipping tea on one of our islands and look back at this and laugh. And your body will melt to my touch just like it did all those time it did for him except you’ll moan and scream for me… Unfortunately right now its just business… Think of it as an investment for our future, darling. “ As he finished he gently rocked the hammer backward behind himself, then let gently fall forward to smash into Akhito’s right shin bone with its own weight.

Asami heard the meaty thud- could almost feel the bone crack.

Akihito screamed, “Oh God! O’fucking God! Please!” but the large stake that was lodged deep in his bowels wouldn‘t allow him to move even if he wanted to. . Before he could recover the hammer slammed into his shin a second time. He screamed at the top of his lungs as the sound of liquid streamed from the bottom of the chair to splattered to the floor.

“Hey! Hey! You son of a bitch!” Asami banged on the glass bars. “Hey!” Asami continued yelling helplessly. Before Asami knew what he was doing he simply lost it. He was beating and kicking and yelling trying to break the glass down.

‘This man Asami would kill a little everyday until Akihito’s bones mended. Kill a little more everyday until the trauma is gone and the flinching stops. Until every stolen moment of him staring blankly into space remembering tonight are forgotten and blocked from his mind forever he would keep this man alive and suffering until Akihito’s ends…

“Uggh, uggh, uggggh, please god. No more. I’ll do anything. I’ll do it- swear. I swear.”

“you know what I want Akihito.”

“What! What! I’ll get it. Just Tell Me. JUST TELL ME!” A desperate high pitched scream immediately followed by sobbing

I want you to tell him to sign the papers.”

The boys eye’s shot over to Asami, then back to the man, then back to Asami. “ I won’t.”

Akihito’s shoulders hunched racked with sobs. He knew what was coming.

Asami immediate began gathering the papers from the floor and as far outside of the cell he could reach. “Here, here I’ll sign it. Just let him go. “

“No Asami-sempai. He has to say it. I want to hear him say it.”

…and then when its all but a reminder of a past never to be repeated the man will suffer anew for every single letter and punctuation on these fifty sheets of paper. When he can’t stand any longer he’ll be strung up, when he can’t be strung up any longer he’ll lay on a rack he’ll be but a shadow of anything once human or animal.’ Thus spoke the rage of Asami, as he shook the glass bars in a violent attempt to break them. He fought at the bars with every fiber of his being, with all of his martial arts training.

Even with Fei Long the boy had suffered but Asami had never seen him actually suffer. Now the sight of the pale mewling man who languished in agony again because of him, because he wanted to be loved by him, to have spent time with him like normal couples do... Asami bit back the thought and silently prayed his men would come soon. He just hoped Akihito hadn't found and removed the chip from his tooth... or they were both dead.

Besides those first two. Those were just love tta-tta---taps.” The man coughed up a spray of blood.

“The soon to be praying for death man-san” dropped the hammer.

It was an unmistakable sound. Sniper fire.

Somewhere in the dark shoes shuffled, sniper fire, bodies falling, grunts and confusion. Suddenly the bright lights above Asami and Akihito went out. A cell door swings open. Feet padding across the room. A soft grunt. Then it was silent except for the heavy labored breathing of Akihito and “the man who severely fucked up-san”.

The lights come on.

Warm hands lay upon the soft cold skin of the young man.

He wasn’t there. Their eyes held each other, but ….

“Aoe. Reiji. He’s impaled. I-I can’t…” Asami stepped back. His hands were shaking to much. Not just his hands- his entire body awashed in flames.

“Asami-sama..” Brock rushed to him with a fresh set of clothes and shoes for him in one arm and second set for Akihito on the other.

He walked to Kakashi as he dressed. Mori was holding the man upright with his arm around the other mans neck. “Don’t kill him, Boss?”

“No. He’s our guest. Take him to the finest room under scion. Take him to “The Good Doctor” make sure he gets the full story and tell him this is the guy that did it to Akihito. “

As they shuffled away with Kakashi, a high pitched screams sliced through the empty space . Asami dashed to Akihito to find him dislodged from one chair to hang limply by the shoulders by his guards who kept him from crumbling limply to the floor. . . Only he wasn’t there. Their eyes held each other, but Asami could see there was no one home. Akihito was catatonic he had withdrawn from the present to his happy place where no one could hurt him. Where he could fear no ore and be scared of nothing. So even though he looked deep into the pools of safety he didn’t see. He did not feel the prick of the local anesthetic injected into his injured hand and the fingers being reset, splinted and bandaged; or the knot that formed on his knee being iced and bandaged. A guard issued forth with Asami’s trench coat swiftly wrapping Akihito and delivering the young man into Asami’s arms.

Finally in the safety of Asami’s limo, Akihito neither moved or spoke. Asami caressed him from his shoulder to his elbow, he kissed the mans neck and nibbled here and there. He captured his lovers lips several time, still no response. Akihito didn’t see the worry, reject and sorrow of Asami, who was just one more painful sob or whimper from the younger man away from tears. The boy had missed hands usually so strong, precise and deadly- trembling so violently he could barely pour a glass of scotch.

Asami couldn’t blame Akihito if he never spoke to him after this. Right now. He would just hold him. Hold him until it was time to let go.

akihito, asami, a beautiful day

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