Breaking Akihito ch1

Feb 06, 2007 14:12

I've edited this fic a couple of times and I hope I finally got it right so I decided that I'd repost it . The way its going the story has taken on a life of its own.  I only intended it to be a two or three chapter deal but its screaming for closure and quickly heading for a 10 chapter fic. 
As alway and criticism or comments are welcomed. Will be editing and posting chapters2-4 later.

Title: Breaking Akihito ch1
Chapter: none
Beta: None
Notes: This fic jumps back and forth in the timeline..I promise it will level out as the story goes on. Takes place several years after Hong Kong arc. No spoilers.
Rating:R for violence and language
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Yamane-sensai

January* February* March* April* May* June* July* August*
September* October* November* December*

May 15 2006, How did we go from here?

"As-uhh!... you...ugh uh...uv..yoooow AASAAAAAAMI!" Akihito
screamed his orgasm for the third time this night. Making love was to
soft a word for this type of brutality...

He loved and snuggled this man this night. He laid his head on Asami's chest then began suckling his
large long index finger that now tasted better than pocky... ummmm, I
love being your slut Asami, he thought as he drifted to sleep.

Asami pulled his finger from Akihito's mouth, Akihito's eyes flicked
open dreamily, he sighs, eyes closing again, "I love being your slut,
Asami". Asami's eyebrow arched at being so easily aroused again but
decided he should let the poor boy rest for at least an hour.

'My Akihito...' he thought.. Then his eyes narrowed remembering ...'My Akihito, lied to Me. Not
once or twice..but each and everytime.'  He lit his cigarette, inhaled
deeply, then exhaled a thick heavy cloud. ' You must be taught a
lesson, My love does not come without conditions. Even now you resist
telling Me the truth...and I will make you suffer for it.'  His anger began to
 seethe through every pore of his body as he bent dangerously close
to the boys neck. Instead of reaching for Akihito's throat he grabbed the boys flaccid
cock and gave it a tight squeeze and a firm tug, "come here Bo-yee" he
said roughly. He grabbed Akihito's legs, startling the young idiot awake.

"N-No! Asami! Wait!"
June 5 2006, To here.
Akihito looked at him with pain...The apartment in shambles. Akihito
disheveled. Who was the man that brought him this face? 'I will gladly
kill him for you', Asami thought.. He'd recieved no reports of anything
unusual happening to Akihito, except... He hadn't left his apartment all
day. "What happened?"
He aroused the boy but it was not like before, nothing like before. He
cried but not like before, his plea to be released weren't the ones he
loved to hear... But he continued, he belonged to him and he will be
reminded of his place.
December 20 2006

Asami watched Akihito on the cameras he'd hidden in his apartment.
For the first time in days akihito did little more than sit on his couch,
aside from bathroom breaks, and an occasional bowl of ramen. He
watched the depressed youth lift himself from the couch. He walked to
the kitchen, but he didn't make any ramen, then bathroom.
'Maybe there will be a good show tonight', he thought lighting the
cigarette. He thought "I've finally broken him out of his usless defiance.'
It fell from Asami's lips in disbelief in what he was about to see.
This had been going on for months. Akihito began to think.

"Ooh, where had it gone so wrong?" He groaned mentally.

' What do you mean... Where? It was always wrong.'

" But I thought he loved Me.."

'But I thought he loved Me', he mocked himself.

"You stupid fool".

His eyes were always red now from crying. His ass and legs always
hurt from asami's rape everynight.

"How could you let him do that, you are a disgrace of a man. He took
everything from you. All you'd worked for, stripped it from you and spit
on your name and made you worthless. Worthless to you and everyone
you know, just so you can be his dick cleaner. You're less than a
whore, you're just a fuck hole."

The truth hurt. He could no longer pretend that somewhere deep inside ...

Asami realy loved him...
June 5 2006, What the fuck happened?

"I can't stand looking at you anymore.. or you touching ME! You make
me feel like I'm covered in sewage"
He litterally threw the book at Asami. He ran to the door, swung it open
and took flight from the penthouse. It was like life was burning at both
ends and if He didn't get away he would die a slow fiery death before
he could save... He had to save whatever scrap he could salvage. He
ran smack into the elevator buttons. But it was taking to long and he
thinks he heard a door open. He bolted to the emergency exit,
triggering the fire alarm, he ran down, some times sliding down the rails
of the stair well... he went down 10 floors and burst through the 20th
triggering another fire alarm. He jabbed at the elevator controls. the
doors opened immediately and he jumped in. He repeatedly hit 1, like it
would make the the elevator fly down.

It was raining and grey outside the glass doors. If he ran fast enough
maybe the guards wouldn't catch him and maybe...


For a moment his vision went white.. then everything got quiet. The air
stopped...time stopped. As his body landed on the marble floor time
spring loaded forward, rushing everything ahead and survival instincts
kicked in... Two guards blocked the doors now and one held the neck
of his shirt.

"I can't go back, I can't go back, I can't go back, I can't go
back"...raced through his mind and he bagan fighting for his life...
"I'm not going back!" He began yelling but fighting the guard's grip was
getting him nowhere, so he slid out of the shirt. The guard grabbed him
by the hair, then guard yanked his head back and he whispered in, Akihito's ear,
 " Please do not cause Asami-sama any more problems".
Akihito was absolutely livid, 'Asami-sama any more problems,' the words
 were like gasoline to a fire. Akihito twist around, "Let. Me. Go!" 
then gave a ball shattering knee to the groin. The guard went down like
a brick wall.

Akihito kicked him in the head like he was trying to score a goal, he
was out cold. In a moment of pure genious he grabbed the
guards gun and began rounding off shots at the guards at the door. A
good plan, except, he didn't know how to shoot and bullets sprayed
everywhere. A thick cieling to floor window panel of glass came
crashing down next to the glass doors. He struck a potted tree and and
garbage slash ashtray that was behind where one of the guards was
standing. He tried to comand the gun to shoot one bullet at a time and
straight, but for all intents and purposes this was working well to. He
stopped shooting for a second and began running to the doors.

"Akihito." The voice cracked like thunder, it spun him around to
an advancing Asami, the dark cloud of murder in his scowl.

"I have a fucking gun, Asami. Get it? A. Fucking. Gun!", He said in an
attempt to give a threatening warning, as if that would stop him.

"Fucking bastard! Stay away from me!" he yells then begins rounding
shots off at the floor in front of Asami until there were no more bullets,
until all that was left was him yelling incoherently with tears streaking
down from wild, desperate eyes. He spun around and ran to the

"Shit. Shit. Shit.. its locked!" frantic he looks around. He steps back
and crunches glass beneath his feet.."Thank god I can't shoot straight,"
he thought as he bolted through the broken window panel.
Akihito glances back to see a seething Asami glaring at him, following
him with his eye. He stops in the middle of the street, eyes locked with
Asami's, breathing hard, head pounding with his pulse. He lips the
words "I'm sorry." and "Good Bye", but he hasn't moved. A car blows
its horn, which breaks the trance Asami's eyes have him locked in.
Thats when Akihito realise Asami is moving toward him in an almost
etherealized stalk... He could have sworn the man was standing still.

Akihito spins and bolts down the side walk.
He road around on the bus for 5 hours afraid to get off. Asami had 
left 30 messages on his cellphone that day. He listened to one call and it
chilled him to the bone.

"Akihito-kun ( the voice sang his name),( long pause)( then the sound of 
him exhaling smoke) I'm not going to hurt you. Come home now and
you won't be punished. If you make Me ( voice obviously straining to
stay cool) look for Will pay for all of the damage and injuries
you've inflicted to My guards and property." Asami's anger gets the
best of him towards the end and is almost spitting the words into the

When he finally got off the bus he was infront of a shoppining center.
He spent $246.79 on basic camping equipment: sleeping bag, several
cans of food, a small propain burning grill, a kanteen, several bottled
waters, a backpack and some extra clothes, pocky, candles and

He explain to Takato everything. The line was silent. "I need your help
Takato", he pleaded. His friend was at a loss for words. 
"Meet Me at..." 
"I can't."
"You think..."
"I know he is." Akihito sighed into his cellphone. " Look, he's going to be looking for me. I can't go home because thats the first place he's
going to go. Then my family and friends. I'm safe right now I think, but
I don't want to put you or anyone else in danger so... this may be my
last call from my cellphone. So listen closely. See if Kou can pull some strings to get me a job at a modeling firm or studio in America."'
"Shit, Aki! All the way across the fucking world..." His friend had tears in his voice.." A-Aki, are we ever going to see you again?" If he wasn't
crying he had to be now.
June 2 2006

"Sorry kid, I can't afford to keep you on the payroll". His boss didn't
even look him in the eye.

He was furious. This guy, Sato, waltzs in the office with pics of noone
other than "Asami the bastard- sama". "How did you get these!" He
yelled giving the most flesh melting stare he could make.
The cocky bastard doesn't even acknowledge his pressence. This guy
was a little older than he and just a little taller and dare he say a little
more handsome. He is a little more of everything than Akihito is, and
now he can add a little more employed to that short list.

His name is Sato and Akihito knew him as a good photographer, with a
good reputation, he could get down and dirty with the best of them...
But Akihito's had his ass -literally and figuratively- put in a sling -literally
and figuratively- enough to know how nearly impossible it is to get a
single snap shot of Asami. So there is no way in hell this clown is going
to walk in here with a whole roll of film. Film that he also manages to
get developed. Without a tale tell limp...

"Look Akihito, Sato is willing to work for a lot less than I pay you, and
thats the bottom line. I'm sorry please collect your things and leave the

Akihito wanted to protest but now a cloud formed in the back of his
mind...He didn't want to say anything for sure but he knew the smack
of Asami when he felt it. What he needed to do was to cut his losses here 
and find another job.

Sato walked into Akihito's office. "I'm sorry Takaba, but you have to 
understand this isn't my fault". Akihito ignored him.
Sato walked closer "All I know is I get a call from My company. I've
been fired. Next call I get is telling Me to apply here, that a position just
opened up and it would be in My best interest to take it." Sato walked
around the desk to stand directly in front of Akihito.." Don't you think
thats a little strange?"

"Look, I don't blame you, alright. Right now I just want to have some
time alone, and pack my things. Okay." He didn't wait for Sato to
answer, he simply turned away and continued with his packing.

Akihito collected his mugs and little dying office plant, handed Sato his
current prodjects and paper work, kissed and hugged his way out to
the lobby saying his good-byes. The tears weren't from the pain of
seperation... They are from the rage of being manipulated.
June 3, 2006

Akihito spent the night putting together his best portfolio. He started
bright and early that morning sitting outside the first Magazines office,
30 minuts before the building opened. That was 8:30 am.

"No" ..Interviewer 1.
"I'm sorry, but the positions just been filled." Interviewer 2
"No, you have to much experience." interviewer 3
"Sorry but we don't do that kind of work here." interviewer 4, 5 and 7
"Sorry but we only do school photoes here" interviewer 6.
"But the advertisment said you take any amount of photography experience" Akihito argued.
"I'm sorry, but you're connections to your work might not be safe to be
around children." The man smiled.
Akihito walked out of the small studio muttering something about
smacking that silly grin and another place to store a camera.
"Sorry but you don't have enough experience in Model
photography"...8,9,10 and 11

June 4, 2006 3:45pm At Tokyo Pop magazine

The photography department head sat before him stoic. With rimmed
glasses, dark suit and hair parted to the right side flipping through his
portfolio. The silence was deafening. This was his last hope for today
all that was left was applying at glamour shots in Tokyo mall if this
didn't work. Aside from the occassional ,"Hmn", from the man there
was nothing said after the initial formalities. Akihito leaned toward the
desk, he peaked at the picture his future employer was staring at for
the past eternity. Another "Hmn".

Akihito half stood up and began slightly pointing at the photo, "I was
go-" , a hand shot up "SH!" Then the man turned the page. "Hmn"...
Akihito couldn't help but think this guy reminded him of someone, but
couldn't quite put his finger on it.

" This is impressive", The man, Ayuta-sama, absolutely gushed at
Akihito's portfolio. They began talking animatedly about photography,
photographers, subjects, lighting and inspirations. They had become
comfortable with each other.

The man said the words he thought he
wouldn't hear today "Well Takaba-kun, would you like a drink?"
Akihito thinks,"Uh! I'm so in, I'm so in its not even funny, this will teach
that bastard Asami."
" Un-no no thank you, Ayuta-sama", Akihito grins.

Ayuta slides his chair from his desk, then walks over to the small bar
tucked in the corner of the large office. He walks back. He sits back in
his leather chair. Flips through Akihito's portfolio once more.
Ayuta smiles again at a photo he says is his favorite. The subject was a
 woman and her child in the park, the light filtered through the trees
giving the scene a slightly distant memory appearance. The wind was
blowing the womans dress against her well porportioned body as she
balanced on one foot reaching out to the child who was running to his
mother.. butterflies danced around them both. They smiled so bright...
It looked like Takaba captured a perfect dream. All that was missing
was the puppy..

"I've held you in suspense enough..I simply have to give your
information the the human resource officer and you sign a contract
then you are hired. When will you be available to start."

"Now!" Akihito almost jumped out of his seat.
Ayuta-sama smiled and left of a soft chuckle ,"I'll be right back then with the paper work."
Akihito jumped out of his seat to grab his soon to be boss' hand, he shook it vigorously and bowed several times , " thank you thank you,
you will not be dissappointed"

Ayuta gave an easy smile, " Thats quite alright. I'm glad to be stealing
you from the competition."

Akihito sank into his seat when the door clicked shut, then he let out a
long sigh. Things were looking up.

Thirty minutes later Ayuta came back to the office. He was a little pale.
He stood infront of his desk, looking down at the mahogany surface..
His voice trembled " I'm sorry Akihito. The position was filled this

Akihito bolted from his chair and banged both fist onto the desk
top.."No, No, NO, NO!" Maybe he overreacted a bit, but.." What is the
real reason. At least give me that." Tears collecting in his eyes. " I need
this.. I need this job, you just don't understand."

"I realy wish I could help you. But my hands are tied, there is nothing I
can do."

"Just tell me. Does it have anything to do with.. Asami Ryuuichi."

Ayuta blinked. Then scowled. Ayuta's eyes grew distant, looking
through Akihito," I will tell you this. You will not get hired in Japan. I
don't just mean tokyo. I mean.. all of Japan, maybe even all of Asia."

"I'll work in the mail room, I'll be a janitor, I won't even come in the
same room, with a person wearing a camera.. please just give Me a
job! " He felt the world slipping away from him now and he was ready to
beg for any lifeline he could get.

Ayuta dropped into his chair as if his legs could no longer support the
weight of his skull. He rested his head into his left hand and splayed
his fingers across his face digging his thumb into his temple, giving it a
deep massage. He spoke with his eyes closed, refusing to look at
Akihito," I like you Akihito...this is not personal... but I have a wife...
and a son and puppy...and I love them so much.. please..please just

He left the portfolio on Ayuta's desk... He wouldn't need them
anymore.. Akihito didn't even remember how he got outside, but the
warm air brought him out of his daze he walked home crying and
Ayuta was visibly shacken when he picked up the phone. 
" I've denied the job, send in the next applicant in 5 minutes."
He hung up then dialed another number.
"Tell Asami-sama, if there is anything else we can do to... please
 him just give us the order."
Ayuta took the remaining 4 minutes to collect himself and drink a rather
 large glass of rocks.
August 15

It's one thing to fuck him, but fucking him was another.
It had been 70 days since he'd contacted anyone. He'd withdrawn all
$920.22 out of his bank account on the day he left Asami's penthouse, June 5.

Betrayed. Finally seeing that it was all an act to lower his defenses so
he would submit to being treated like a common whore.
He hated being toyed with. But most of all he hated being
underestimate by this man.

His plan was fool proof. He enlisted the help of Takato and Kou.
Takato was in charge of airplane tickets and passport alterations.
Since takato works at the police station it wouldn't be easy but not

Kou found him a job in the United States, he never thought Kou would
come in handy but with his modeling agency connections it would be
easy for him to be pull a few string and get him a job in a firm overseas
without arousing suspicion, especially getting Asami's attention.
The most important thing was hiding, he couldn't hide at his friends
house, that would put them in danger of a visit from the Yakuza. They
also couldn't know where he was now. He only called from pay phones
and businesses. When they would meet he dressed in drag... He
made a very convincing girl, even upclose. Kou taught him how to
apply make-up quite well. 
He fought him tooth and nail when it came to tucking his penis and wearing 
"the panties". Kou simply put the question " What happens if you walk by 
Asami, or one of his thugs, on the street and happen to get a big fat  boner.. hmm?
 I don't think he's just going to think you're some pregnant chick poking
through your sundress like that."

But a precaution he was none the less glad he took. When they met
he pee'd a little (thank god for cotton bikini briefs) when he saw one of
Asami's guards had followed Takato to the Charley Horse Lounge, a
rather hole in the wall type lounge, that they thought would be to
obscure to been seen at.

Akihito made no inclination toTakato that he was being shadowed, so he
met him with a small peck on the cheek and a brimming they
were on a date. "Play along" he almost inaudibly whispered, then
grabbed Takato's hands shakily and pulled him into the bar.
They slid into a boothe in a far corner, but not to close at first . After
two drinks they slid closer... this was actually their first date. Akihito
ordered a drink that wasn't something he usually drank, some girly
peach drink mixed with yager that was god awful. He smiled and flirted
with Takato, a little to well judging by the erection in his best friends
pants, but all they discussed where how far they had gotten with his
escape plan.

Takato had sucessfully made two passports; one with his present form
as a woman, the second was of him also in his present form complete
with dark circled eyes, his hair was flat and limp and dyed black, pale,
and stubbled faced. He made a very nice half dead goth boy. Kou
taught him how to apply make-up quite well.

They decided to go back to Takato's house. It was the only thing they
could do. It wouldn't be possible for Akihito to go to his hiding place
and not be followed. Sakura, his drag name, was going to be a rather
loose woman in the eyes of the guard, it didn't matter to him, they
already thought of him as Asami's whore.

"Asami-sama, Takato met a girl outside a night club near the east slum 
district and has gone home with her. Her name is Sakura. Yes sir, I am
outside of his duplex now. Yes, Asami-sama, it was her hands sir, I
don't care how good you look in make up and dress, a mans hands are
a mans hands.", the blond guard left his car. He walked around the
second duplex. He sat under the bedroom window then listened for the
sounds of lovers.

"Shit. Maybe Asami-sama was going a little to far with this particular
fuck towel. I mean, I understand pushing limits but... you break a mans
pride, take away his ability to make a living , especially this boy.. damn
straight he was going to break. Only.. Noone expected him to explode
like that... Not even Asami-sama," he thought. Part of him hoped he
didn't find the boy, then his loyal part wanted himself to find the boy to
make the Yakuza boss happy. Maybe even earn a bonus.

Having born witness to the odd relationship they have this was the only
possible conclusion. The boy always had a strong spirit, willful, and
proud. Not unlike Asami-sama. If he hadn't had respect for the boy
before he sure as hell did now. The boy had fight in him, he had balls.
Now Asami-sama will be wearing them.
He sighed heavily and made the call. He closed the cell phone and
hoped to god this chick and this guy were passed out drunk.
He could have SWORN he was dreaming.. but the reality of it possibly
happening is what stirred him to action. He hated getting off the all - to
- comfortable couch he'd been sleeping on at takato's house but now
time was of the essence. Pushing down the skirt he was wearing he
felt an odd nakedness. He looked down to find his penis and balls were
untucked and pulled over the top of the panties. No sign of wetness..
but that can be arranged he smiled to himself. His hand slowly
slithered down his rippled abdomen. He turned his head toward the
back of the couch and let out a low sigh between his teeth. His finger
tips rested just above his slightly twitching semi erect penis. He gently
pushed and pulled on the flesh, making the skin taught then lax, slowly
arousing himself.
His mind began to play a hazy fantasy. It started with him simply
wanting some strong handsome guy to kiss him deeply while giving him
a hand job. Then he finaly slid his open hand down onto his erect self,
and let out a slight moan. The simple fantasy turned into...
" I want like five well hung guys, licking Me and sticking their fingers in
Me..."...a full fledged gangbang.
He licked his hand and furiously whipped his cock into butter but he
just couldn't cum. He needed it so bad his moans where getting louder
and more desperate, and he completely forgot about Takato in the next
room. " Please fu-ckk me! Fuck Me Harder" he begged.. In his mental
porn movie he was in the 69 with two men plowing his little hole at
once, while he sucked one man off.
He was hard swollen and rubbed raw but he could not stop..but he did
slow down in fatigue, his arm got a cramp and it was longer than it did
before because... then his mind went blank for a second before an
image of Asami looking back at him in a suit with a cigarette in his
mouth in what seemed to be standing in what looks like a... a
The sudden cameo appearance of "that bastard" made him twitch and
grab his cock harder than anticipated and he shot his load straight
into the arched and in true akihito fashion landed directly in his
face..his left eye to be exact.
"Gawd, Dammnit!"

He planted both feet on the floor then walked to the bathroom. One
hand over the offended eye. He wiped the disgusted eye with a tissue.
A good nights sleep did wonders for his ghostly features..the baggy
and dark circled eyes where less pronounced and he seemed to be
getting a little less gray in the skin. His hair was still limp and black but
that would be changed as soon as he reached America and got settled

He was still very groggy but the smell of coffee was bringing him
around. His stomach grumbled at the smell of omelets and vegies and
fresh brewed coffee drifting from the kitchen, "I hope you made..."
,gargle gargle spit, ".. enough for the both of us," he called from the

Turning on the water he glanced in the mirror once more then pooled
warm water in his hands, he brought his face down to the water then
stop short...he looked at his face again. The make-up had already
been washed off and the tips of his bangs and edges of his hair were
already damp. Not sweat damp. Instinct or paranoia alerted him that
something wasn't right, but then he rationalized that maybe he washed
it off while he was half sleep or maybe takato whiped it off for him after
he'd passed out... 'or maybe the dream he had wasn't a dream', his
conscience yelped..

" Stop acting like a little bitch." He muttered to himself.
He walked into the short hall way, " Hey Takato, I'm going to borrow a
set of fresh clothes." He called from the entrance of the bedroom.
He went straight to the chest of drawers and pulled out a pair of well
worn jeans and a ' My Chemical Romance ' tee-shirt with ' Three
Cheers for Sweet Revenge,' logo on the front.

Akihito walked over to the nightstand. He opened the drawer and
rummaged under open and closed condom wrappers, pillow packs of
lube/massage oils, under mini- porn magazines to retrieve the plane
tickets. As soon as they left here, they would meet kou, who also had
his luggage, at the airport. He looked at them, it was hard to believe
that in 2 hours he would be leaving his whole world behind.
He scoffed ,' What had been my world, until that bastard showed up
and and made sure I didn't have a place in it anymore. No matter. In a
year or two I'll have Myself re-established. Then I can come back. I'm
sure that asshole won't want anything to do with me, he'll have a new
dick cozy by then," he thought before folding and stuffing the tickets
deep in his back pocket, then headed to kitchen.

" Good Morning, Akihito or should I say afternoon," Akihito was met
with a smile and a plate was set for him in front of an empty chair. The
omellete was fat with mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, celery and cheese
melted over the top. Steam from the freshly poured coffee danced in
sensual curls. A beautiful breakfast. Takato sat in the next chair, not
smiling, next to Asami.

"Aw! Shit.." the boy thought and said. He remembered his dream, now
his stomach churned with bile.

Asami arched his eyebrow "...and without a paddle to Akihito."
Last night

In his dream Akihito opened his eyes, the room was lit by the moon,
but the air was heavy and hazy. There was a funny smell that made
his throat tight and scratchy. His body was limp and almost
unresponsive. He shut his eyes for a moment.
A hand covered his mouth, no it covered one side of his face, no his
wrist.. "Boy am I sleepy. I should just go to sleep" he mumbled...
Something cool touched his face, "mmm, that feels good Sato. Keep
doing that." A hand draged down his body to his groin, the hand
lingered, then gently rubbed the tender flesh. "aah, Ayuta-sama. You
don't know how happy you made me just now. But why the sad face.
We were getting along..(yawns) so well. ( sighs) "
"look mom they're fairies.." he smiled, weakly reaching for the four
small green orbs above him. They faced each other then back down at
him. " good night fairies, mom says I have to go to bed now."

The boy was out.
Asami and Sunglasses looked at each other then at this pitiful creature.
" What was in those gas cans" Sunglasses barely suppressed a giggle.
"I'll have to have a chat with the manufacturer about the product he
sold Me and the product he demonstrated." Asami not even close to
the thought of giggling. It seem seems the defective sleeping gas had
illicited more information about Akihito and his goings on in the past
month and a half than he'd planned on hearing.
Asami's mind clicked "who the FUCK was Sato and Ayuta. And why in
the FUCK was he just now finding out Akihito's been fucking around on

Its one thing if the brat fucks with him... its quite another if the brat 
fucks someone else.

breaking akihito

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