The Aftermath!

Aug 24, 2005 14:03

Well, things are kind of slowing down now. Lets see...I am trying to remember when I posted last...This last weekend was pretty uneventful I guess. I went home and stayed the night in the hospital with Colin. He had a pretty major surgery on his knee (replacing and repairing four tendons) and spent the night at the University of Washington recovery unit. I basically just slept in a chair and helped him go to the bathroom and replace the ice on his leg. Fun stuff:) I was really glad that I was able to give his mom a break though. She looked so exhausted, although after a six hour surgery who could blame her?? So, I sent her to go and get some rest and I just basically stayed up with him.

On Saturday when I got home I spent time with Amiah and Tyler:) Took a nap with Amiah, I think I needed it even more! Very fun family time, BTW! I also worked for a few hours, the best sales day of the month, thank you very much! Yeah, but I went shooting at the range that night and spent time with my God-family. They were pretty concerned about the break-in and have helped my apartment. I love living in America where I have freedoms;) Lots of fun though. I shot 25 rounds at night. I hadn’t had too much practice at night and I used a new stance, fun times.

So, Sunday I worked a whole day (2nd highest sales, not that I keep track:), said goodbye to Colin and drove home. I got here around midnight, but I was fully protected so I felt better.

I suppose that this week has gone okay, broken pipe in the apartment though. I am pretty sure this apartment is going to get the best of me...seriously, does this ever end??? I am just trying to have a positive attitude…it has been kind of hard to pick myself out of everything that has been going on. A friendship has ended…the whole apartment thing…just a hard time I guess.

Friends have been wonderful though, to all of my friends that have already left for school, I miss you so much already!
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