I go walking in the night...

Jun 04, 2007 11:16

My First Entry...

and it's coming from Taiwan, no less.  My fellow students are out playing bowling with the Chinese lab students, but I craved some alone time - the first I've had since I've been here - to make a livejournal.  I saw my friend's today, and it was so beautiful that it inspired me to make one.  I've heard that the livejournal community is so encouraging and friendly, so I hope any of you who are reading this will live up to the reputation!  But I'm sure you will.

So, the question on your mind is probably:  how'd a small-town American college girl end up spending her summer in Taiwan?  Well, my chemistry professor, who I worked for last summer, asked me (along with 3 others) if we'd like to go and do chemistry research in a lab in Taiwan.  His wife is Taiwanese, so he knows some professors here.  The grad student, Kali, who is among the 3, went last year with two other people.  So far, it has been really amazing.  I never thought I would be in Taiwan in a million years, but that just goes to show we never know what the future holds.  The picture is a view from my bedroom window here.  Isn't it beautiful?  We're also taking a Chinese class twice a week for a total of 4 hours a week.  It is a very difficult language to learn.

My 20th birthday is this coming Sunday...I can't believe where I'll be spending it!
More coming soon!

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