I've got dreams of love

May 25, 2005 23:13

Yikes! Its been nearly a month since my last entry. I really need to post more often so that the idea of an update isn't so overwhelming as I think about all that I could say.

May has been an interesting month. Somehow simultaneously unsettling and peaceful. I have run a few races since my last post. On April 30, Dieneke and I completed the Borgess 1/2 Marathon without any stops! We were so proud, and it was an AMAZING feeling. Indescribable. I had major goosebumps as I crossed the finish line...I just absolutely couldn't believe what I had just done. 2 weeks later, Dieneke and I headed up to Grand Rapids for the 15.5 mile River Bank Run. It was pouring rain when the race started, so we were soaked to the bone before we even took a step; I could already tell it was going to be a challenging day. I paced myself well and kept up 10-minute miles until I reached mile 10, at which point my body decided the best thing to do would be to throw up everything in my stomach about 5 times. I had to pull myself out of the race at that point, because my body was obviously sending me a message, and I knew it wouldn't be smart to try and finish the race after losing all the hydration and nourishment of the last several hours. It was an incredible disappointment, and hard to even describe. As I waited for Dieneke to finish (which she did! she made great time, too), I called my dad crying and he just reminded me that it was the best that I had to give on that particular day and I should be proud of it. I'm not sure if I'm proud, but I accept it.

The fundraising has been amazing! Only $263 dollars left to raise by Tuesday, May 31! I'm thrilled. The charity work behind my training has been the biggest motivating factor imaginable; I believe in this cause with all of my heart.

Another fun fact: I am way into Gavin DeGraw right now. SUCH a great musician guys. Beautiful songs, lyrics, everything. My friend Caitlin from work took me to one of his concerts earlier this month and we had a ball. It was a small venue so Gavin was right there, and we got to meet him afterwards and stuff. It was such a blast, and important to Caitlin because she listened to his music to keep her spirits up while she was going through chemotherapy; so, she got her moment to tell him what his music meant to her, and he was awesome about it.

I had orientation at U of M on Thursday, and I couldn't get the smile off of my face all day. I must have looked like such an idiot. I felt so happy and at home there, and I am tremendously looking forward to the challenges and opportunities that await me. My academic advisor encouraged me to begin researching medical schools and looking into MCAT preparation and testing. (The MCAT is the medical school entrace exam...similar to the LSATs and GMATs for other professions). I can't tell you how exciting it is to feel like medical school is this close. I am so grateful that I listened to myself and made the decision to move, because even in that one day in Ann Arbor, everything clicked.

So much more to say, but no way to say it. And maybe I wouldn't say it even if I found the words. So here's to the unspeakable thoughts and emotions waiting to be understood and expressed.

It's so nice to see you
Can we sit and talk for a while?
I have searched forever
I can't imagine anything better
Kids upon the stairway
Couples in the sidewalk squares
If I get to your heart soon
I'll call a perfect afternoon
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