Sep 19, 2004 21:22
WARNING:This entry is going to be filled with random thoughts and exerts *i a wondering if that is how you spell that*
tomorow i have 7 in the morning, it wuold totally make my year if i i saw yoshi tomorow afterwards, because im going to be on perkasets...and it would be an interesting experience aha
tuesday is going to suck...i can feel it
wednesday i get my braces off...those things get in the way so bad.., so basically im nto going to have any metal in my ody after tomorwo and wednesday...fab-oh-lis, like whoa
thursday i get to be with yooooooooshi, just adding to the many otehr things i shall look forward to this week
i called my dad and for the first time ever in my whole life he didnt make thing sbetter, i'm confused
i want something awsomely amazing to look forward to for this weekend, i hope it involvoes yashur because that would be so happy, i love his stupid guts E>
im going to have a bottle of perkasets, and i need a new pair shoes, if anyone gets my drift
i saw 2 hot guys kissing, i am ashamed to say it but, ...yea i am infatuated...its so sad..yes so hawt