Mar 07, 2013 06:09
This may be a bit TMI, as far as pregnancy goes. If you don't want to hear it, I suggest you stop reading and back away from the post.
So, I'm officially full term now...and with that comes the very real idea that I could go into labor any time. We're not 100% finished putting the hospital bag together, though we have all of baby boy's essentials at the moment. (Thank God the carseat arrived in time.) I also am making progress towards labor, already mostly thinned out and 1cm dilated. Now, my son just needs to drop some more and GTFO my ribs. The idea of labor makes me nervous, but I think that's to be expected. There's no way of knowing what exactly will happen, and I hate surprises. I also had to convince a friend that I will not be skyping the birth process. Sorry, I'd like to keep what dignity I can.
There's a few new issues these days. My mom got a job, which is absolutely fantastic. I'm just worried that she'll give it up to come see the baby and help us. As much as I want her there when I have him, I would rather her be at home with a job, than throwing her life away for me.
Also, my brother (J) has this friend and his wife (J's ex) that he still talks to on a regular basis. I absolutely hate them both, and Yoshi can only stand the husband. I found out yesterday at dinner (J comes over for dinner twice a week) that he's been talking to at least the wife about my pregnancy. Now, at the moment, this is my medical information. Not just that, but the wife had the nerve to say that she thought I'd be on bedrest by now, based on my size. She is not entitled to an opinion/thoughts on any goddamn thing I do, and the fact that she knows as much as she does bothers the hell out of me. Yoshi thinks I'm overreacting, but it's not his body or medical issues they're discussing. I've debated asking J not to mention it to them anymore, because it feels like an invasion of privacy and I'm not at all comfortable with it. Yes, he mentions them and their kid--the difference is that it's information I neither want or give a shit about. He just spouts it off, and I do my best to change the subject. I am perfectly content forgetting that they exist, since I likely never have to see them again. Am I being irrational, or do I have every right to be pissed off about the shared information?