Profile Meme

Oct 09, 2014 01:26

✸ Profile Meme: ✸

Mun Information:
Mun Name: Jax
AIM: MadTeaLover
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time

[Character Name] Aoyagi Ritsuka
[Canon] Loveless
[Point Taken from Canon] Most current chapter

[Age] 12
[Gender] Male
[Sexual Orientation] Gay

[Eye Color] Purple
[Hair Color] Black
[Height] 147 CM (4'8")
[Other] Has black cat ears and a black cat tail

Ritsuka’s History

Aoyagi Ritsuka is a very complicated and dynamic individual. He has many faces and levels.

On the surface, Ritsuka appears to be one of two things. If you are older than him, he can appear to be a very sweet, polite, and smiling child, if perhaps a tad distant. But this is a well fabricated lie. To avoid adults from prying into his life and the rather obvious bruises and bandages that he will wear day to day. A generally quiet boy, he excels in school and is a well-behaved boy. To those younger than him, he is distant, maybe a bit snobbish and even boring since he acts like an old man in a young body. He’s prone to ignoring those his age if he feels they’re being stupid, this feeling is often mind you. Ritsuka, while not crass, is blunt and will call people out on their stupidity or ignorance. If he feels someone is being grossly unintelligent he will just call them out on it and then promptly ignore them or will attempt to push them away verbally. Sometimes Ritsuka simply won’t get close to someone simply because he feels they are idiots or ignorant and he wants nothing to do with that. Occasionally Ritsuka will be very cutting and blunt, pointing out things that may bother someone without really thinking about how it may be hurtful. It’s not that he means to be hurtful, he is just often blunt when he doesn’t understand something may be a touchy subject. He doesn’t try to be hurtful on purpose most of the time although he is not above saying hurtful things to keep people at a distance. He may also put distance between himself and others if they are just very energetic. High energy people actually make Ritsuka claim to be tired since he’s a very mellow child a majority of the time. That is not to say he does not get excited. In fact, there are several things that make Ritsuka happy and energetic but on a whole he is sedate and quiet. In general he is a very peaceful withdrawn child. He enjoys things like playing video games and especially enjoys reading things like philosophy such as Nietzsche and other philosophers, or taking photographs.

In fact, Ritsuka is a bit obsessive about photography but there is a reason for this. At the age of ten, Ritsuka lost his memory, his personality completely flipped from his old self. His older self was very outgoing, dependent on his mother, made friends easily, but was an average student. When he became the “new” Ritsuka he changed completely. He became withdrawn, self-reliant, pushed people away, but excelled academically. However, the trauma of forgetting everything about the first ten years of his life made Ritsuka a bit paranoid. He doesn’t trust his own personal memories or the memory of other people so he will take photographs (which he will call memories) as proof of his existence. It is a deep-seeded fear of Ritsuka’s that he will fade and be replaced by the old Ritsuka or an even newer Ritsuka. So by taking photographs of everything and giving them to other people as well, he is assured that they can’t forget him nor will he forget them. Ritsuka’s amnesia has greatly, and almost detrimentally, shaped the rest of Ritsuka’s outlook on life. But it isn’t just his amnesia that has shaped him.

Ritsuka is a very mature child. He has mature views regarding life and people in general as well as a realistic if not somewhat pessimistic outlook on life as a whole. He doesn’t get close to people in general because he feels that if he gets close to them they will realize he is not the “real” Ritsuka and that they will either feel betrayed by his unintended lie or that he will hurt them like he feels he constantly hurts his mother. But there is an immense factor that has shaped as well. Ritsuka is an abused child physically, mentally, and emotionally by his mother. His father also neglects him and is aware of the abuse but does nothing to stop it when she attacks Ritsuka. His mentality will often show his abused mentality if you can read the subtleties. He has little self-worth and often believes that he is a “fake.” He will even feel that he has to conform to his mother’s standards and expectations about pretending to be the old/real Ritsuka rather than try to convince her he is the only Ritsuka. He constantly struggles against the demands his mother makes on him mentally and emotionally but does not have an outlet for his abuse. His mother will try to make him conform to the way he did things as the old Ritsuka by telling him he should be more reliant on her or that he was not a healthy eater. She will even lay out traps and tests for Ritsuka and if he cannot mimic the old Ritsuka perfectly, she will lash out and beat him along with emotional and mental abuse. His abuse at home is actually a daily occurrence. The abuse has affected Ritsuka greatly. His self-esteem regarding himself is low enough, in fact, that even when someone tells him he is the only Ritsuka or that he is the real Ritsuka, he won’t believe them. Instead he will insist that he can’t be so long as his mother says he isn’t. Ritsuka is also constantly worried about his mother. While he is not dependent on her physically, emotionally he needs her. He accepts her abuse and even forgives it, telling himself and anyone that asks that she is sick emotionally, mentally, and physically and that it’s his fault she is sick. He will accept her abuse without question and will believe he deserves it. He attempts to take care of her despite the abuse because he loves her deeply.

Those that actually enter Ritsuka’s affection are actually there forever. He is a very loving child and giving to those that have broken past all his walls. In fact, he will allow himself to be hurt, killed, abused, and betrayed by those he loves without hating them. Part of this is because of his emotional abuse but the majority of it rests in that he is just a very giving child. Even when he is confronted with the truth that those he loves may be abusive or cruel, he will argue and not believe what is said even if presented actual fact. This can be seen when Ritsuka says that his brother, Seimei, could kill, torture, even betray him but Ritsuka would still love Seimei no matter what. And when presented with the truth that his brother was manipulative and cruel he denies it and still loves his older brother. But this is only the case for those closest to Ritsuka’s heart. There are others that he cares for and he is generally sweet and giving to them. He will try to make his friends aspire towards bettering themselves or deciding things for themselves. When they are hurt he takes care of them and when they are being attacked verbally, Ritsuka will actually boarder on violent. His violence is usually only provoked when those he loves and cares for fall under verbal attack. Sometimes Ritsuka will have extreme moments of violence where he might throw a table across a room or he will suggest that people may need to die. However, this occurrence is extremely rare for him but takes little provocation. Despite these rare violent outbursts, Ritsuka is actually a pacifist.

Ritsuka has a very black and white sense of violence. He feels that violence is never necessary and that there is a peaceful answer to everything. But it isn’t just violence and pacifism that Ritsuka is naive about. Despite being a mature child about many things, Ritsuka is extremely naive about sexual things and innuendos. They are well above his head and bringing attention to them (if he realizes it’s something sexual) makes him extremely embarrassed. In fact Ritsuka doesn’t take well to anything sexual or affectionate. It makes him blush and stutter and just flail in general. But he can be affectionate in little ways. He’ll make food and write a sweet message on it or he’ll text “chuu” to represent a kiss. And while he’s not one for public displays of affection, Ritsuka actually enjoys being held or touched by those very close to him, though he will never admit to this fact. When he gets close to someone, he might accidentally fall into idol worship. Usually his idol worship falls on those whom he feel are similar to his brother or he aspires to be like. His biggest idol worship is evident when he talks about his brother.

In general Ritsuka is an internally sweet, mature, intelligent boy. He is not one to trust easily or let people close. Someone’s initial impression of him might be that he is an apathetic child that doesn’t like exerting effort in tasks that are useless or menial. The reality is that when he invests in someone, he invests deeply and is scared of being forgotten by those he cares for. He hates being lied to or listening to gossip. Ritsuka believes that no one can be owned and that they are their own person, responsible for their actions. There are numerous levels of Ritsuka, some that have not yet been discovered as he continues to develop and contend with his personal and mental issues.

- Ritsuka is a sacrifice of a pair. As the sacrifice he actually has a high pain tolerance which has been cultivated by his mother’s abuse.
- He’s quite adept at photography
- He can do some basic/medium cooking.
- He’s actually quite intelligent for a twelve year old
- He has black cat ears and a long black tail. His ears actually give him slightly better hearing than a normal human and his tail gives him a bit more balance. But these advantages are small.
- Ritsuka is relatively good at video games, computer games, and has an above-average knowledge of computers and cell-phones
- Ritsuka can be very charismatic

I'm up for anything. No really, just talk to me <3

[Fighting] Again I'm up for anything so give me a heads up!

[Other Permissions] I'm fine with anything.


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