Dec 16, 2004 17:45
so i had a chorus concert yesterday, and even tho everyone thought that it was very good IT SUCKED! most of us didn't kno the songs including me, nobody paid attention enough in class, nobody would stop goofing off long enough to learn, we didn't kno what we were doing, and it was a wreck. my friend Jensen got the solo that she said that she wouldn't try out for cuz she wanted me to have it and jus a little ticked off. i finally understand how you felt last year Liz when you were telling me and Corey how we would eventually hate chorus. I HATE IT!!! im doing All-County cuz i made it and that's finished with chorus cuz the drama is driving me crazy and stressing me out and i don't have the time or patience to deal with our choir(if that's what you want to call us) anymore. on top of everything i have a Chem. exam tomorrow and i barely have an understanding of what we are doing.i want to drop dead right now. im so exhausted and out of it right sux and i want my b/f.