FIC: Lose Control (Spike/Angel, Adults only)

Sep 20, 2011 04:49

FIC: Lose Control (Spike/Angel, Adults only)

AUTHOR: Salustra
E-MAILS: Salustra:
TITLE: Lose Control
RATING: FRAO, Adults only,
PAIRING: Spike/Angel
SUMMARY: Angel tries to trick Spike, but he's in for a little surprsie himself.
Distribution: Various lists, Wierd Romance Yahoo Group- ;
My livejournal - ; and the website Weird Romances- .
SPOILERS: Through Season 5 Angel
CONTENT: slash, bondage, domination, explicit sex.
DISCLAIMER: We adore playing with the pretties, but we’re just having fun. No money made, don’t sue us!
FEEDBACK: Yes please.
Length: 3,500 words.

Spike burst into Angel's office in his usual fashion, draping himself onto a chair, one leg hanging over a chair arm. "You rang?"

Angel sighed just a little, frowning. "Just once couldn't you wait to be told to come in?"

Spike snorted. "Not much chance of that. You only pay me in booze, mostly involuntarily. Speaking of which, I'm thirsty." He pushed up and headed towards the liquor cabinet.

Angel groaned. "Anything but the..." He sighed again, this time quite audibly. "vintage imported Irish whiskey. Which of course you went straight for. Why?"

Spike held the bottle in one hand and a glass in the other as he moved back into the seat he'd just vacated. "Because it's the stuff you keep for yourself, and it's the best. And, of course, because you hate it when I take it." Spike poured a good amount into the glass and swallowed it down. "Good stuff."

"It's meant to be sipped." Angel reached down into a desk drawer, taking out a similar bottle and pouring himself a glass, sipping a bit of it. "I called you because you haven't been responding to the requests from medical."

"They're always jabbing me with needles or doing really uncomfortable tests. I'm pretty sure half of the tests are for their own amusement." Spike poured and downed another glass.

"Well if you'd answered, you'd've found out there's a vampire-specific virus going about, they were trying to get you in for the vaccine. But of course, you're too busy doing...whatever it is you do. What is it that you do, anyway?" Angel looked exasperated and his tone reflected it.

"Whatever the bloody hell I please. Virus, eh? I guess I should let them go jab me. I'll just finish this glass first." Spike lifted his hand to drink again and nearly dropped the glass. His skin was quickly turning blue. A completely unnatural, vivid blue. "What the...?"

"Only you, Spike. Only you. You've got the damn thing." Angel pushed the button for the intercom. "Harmony, cancel my appointments for the afternoon, and let Wes know Spike got the virus. We're quarantined until we deal with this." He glowered a bit at Spike as he spoke.

"Right boss." Harmony's voice was as chipper and cheery as always. "Do I need to send up a team from Medical?"

"No Harm, I'll deal with it. I figured something like this might happen." Angel cut off the intercom with a click before she could ask anything else. "Come on, into the elevator."

"You get a medical degree in your spare time, did you?" Spike asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a mystical virus," Angel almost growled. "I've got a magic lab in the penthouse, leftover from Holland I'm guessing, and Wes has had it stocked."

Spike snorted but he got into the elevator with Angel. "Awright then. Why aren't we calling Wes?"

"Because Wes is busy. With REAL work. And I don't want anyone else losing valuable time over this." Angel's arms were crossed over his chest and he was scowling.

The elevator doors shut. Spike looked down at his hands. "I look like a sodding Smurf."

Angel chuckled. "Maybe next time you'll come into Medical."

Spike bit off a retort as the elevator door opened. Angel walked out into the penthouse, heading towards a blank wall. He pressed some buttons on a keypad and part of the wall slid away, revealing a dimly-lit room behind it.

"Real James Bond stuff," Spike said. He stepped into the room and Angel stepped in behind him. There was a whoosh and a click as the wall slid shut.

Spike whirled around at that. Angel just snorted. "Get ahold of yourself," he said. "And while you're at it, you can start taking your clothes off."

"I don't think so." Spike crossed his arms.

Angel snorted. "I've seen it before Spike. It's for the ritual. Here, you can wear this for modesty." Angel reached inside a drawer and tossed something to Spike.

Spike caught it, unrolled it, and looked at it. It was a leather thong. "You're out of your sodding mind. You really have lost it."

Angel sighed. "Fine. I'll call Wes, he can come up and do the ritual."

Spike considered. Apparently Angel was serious. "Awright, awright, I'll strip. What then?"

Angel gestured towards the center of the room which lit up a bit more. "Get on the altar, put your wrists and ankles in the depressions for the restraints."

Spike smirked. "This sounds more like foreplay than a ritual."

"You wish. Go ahead, I'll get the rest of the supplies." Angel stepped into a side room.

Spike was a little miffed that Angel left the room. He liked to occasionally tease Angel, since the broody git kept pretending he wasn't at all attracted to Spike. But he stripped off his clothes, taking care to hang his duster, before putting on the thong. His skin was blue, but he had to admit it looked a bit sexy, in an exotic way. But likely the blue skin wasn't the only effect of the virus.

"Well, altar time," he said aloud. He settled onto it, and was a little startled to feel it give. It was a dense foam mattress textured to look like stone. Ah well, more comfortable anyway. He waited until it sounded like Angel was coming back before he slid his wrists and ankles into position. He heard the restraints snap, and they were neoprene lined. He snorted as Angel came closer. "An altar built for comfort?"

Angel's voice drifted in. "Well some of the rituals take a while." Spike could see as Angel approached that he was naked, carrying a few bottles and vials he set to the side.

"No thong for you?" Spike asked, getting steadily more dubious about this ritual.

"I'm not shy." Angel stood next to the altar, picking up one of the vials and lifted the stopper. It was Tupelo honey. Spike could tell by the scent of it. Angel drizzled it slowly, carefully, on Spike's chest, on his belly, on his thighs.

Spike could feel each drop as it touched his skin, could smell the sweet honey, almost taste it. He closed his eyes. Hedonist that he was, he couldn't help but revel in the sensations. Then there was touch. Angel's finger began to trace something in the honey as he chanted.

Spike suppressed a moan. It was just sense memory, he knew. Of what had happened when Angel touched him like this before. But Angel was being so careful, not touching his nipples or anything else too close to 'erotic'. It was just a ritual. So Spike took more deep breaths and tried to steady himself. Dammit, it wasn't fair. No one had touched him like this in...too long. The last time with the Slayer, maybe. The only time she'd really been gentle. But still it wasn't like this, like all the times he'd been bound and tormented slowly.

He felt a bit of pressure on his body. He opened his eyes and Angel was straddling him. He raised an eyebrow.

"Part of the ritual, don't flatter yourself." Angel leaned down and began to lick away the honey.

Spike couldn't suppress the moan this time. He curled his hands, pressing his short nails into his palms, trying to distract himself. He was getting hard. And sitting where Angel was, he wouldn't help but notice. Angel was hard as well, but he was continuing as if it were purely business.

Angel slid down further, leaning down to Spike's thighs. Spike shut his eyes tight, turning his head away, trying everything not to be more turned on by this. Then the weight lifted, and the restraints clicked open.

"Fuck this. You don't even want it." Angel paced back and forth a bit while Spike sat upright, confused. Angel shoved another vial in his hand. "Here, drink this. The blue will be gone in a few minutes."

Spike looked at the vial, then back at Angel. "What the bloody hell is going on here?"

"I told Wes this wouldn't work."

"What wouldn't work?" Spike glared at Angel.

"This whole....fake virus thing." Angel looked sheepish.


"Yeah. Put a little potion in the whiskey to turn your skin blue. I knew you'd go for the whiskey."

"I hope you enjoyed the joke then. Better than your usual." Spike downed the vial, then tossed it aside, getting up to start gathering his clothes.

"Joke? You think this was a joke? It was...nevermind. Doesn't matter now."

"It was what?" Spike whirled back. "What exactly?"

Angel looked down at his own still hard cock, then back at Spike. "We've been fighting ever since you came back, and I, ummm...."

"Sweet Jesus wouldn't it ever occur to maybe, you know, ASK? I can believe you and Wes came up with this, never seen two such repressed wankers in my entire unlife."

"It did occur to me, actually. But I figured if I asked, well, you'd probably say no. Then I'd look and feel like an idiot and you'd never let me hear the end of it." Angel sighed.

"As it turns out, as usual, you were wrong, Captain Forehead. I'd probably have said yes. But that's not going to happen now." Spike went back to gathering up his clothes.

Angel stood in silence for a moment, a little stunned by the statement, but then he spoke. "Is there any chance, ummmm...?"

Spike looked at him, one brow raised. "Any chance of what?"

"Any chance I could maybe convince you to change your mind back to yes?"

Spike tilted his head, considering. Angel was actually asking, not demanding, and he did seem pretty desperate. And he let his eyes wander down Angel's body, taking in, among other things, his still-hard cock. A wicked smirk slid into place as he made his decision. "Maybe. But you'd have to convince me you were really sorry for this stunt."


Spike gestured to the altar. "You. On there. Put your wrists and ankles in the restraints."

Angel actually visibly squirmed at that. It was obvious he was thinking of all the humiliating things Spike could do with him chained and naked. But if Spike was really serious... "Okay."

"Okay? Doesn't sound very enthusiastic." Spike's tone was sharp, his expression serious.

"Yes, yes, I'll do it!" Angel responded, his face reddening a little. He moved over and laid down, sliding his wrists into position. The restraints rose and clicked into place, holding him tight.

Spike grinned, and moved over closer to Angel. He let his fingers trail down over Angel's skin, watching him squirm. Spike feathered fingertips lightly along Angel's hard shaft, watching it jerk a little at the contact. "Someone is happy to see me."

Angel groaned. He didn't dare respond to Spike's taunting.

"Good boy." Spike was enjoying this, being in control for once. Angelus would never have allowed this but Angel apparently could. He stepped away, stopping over by the sink to wipe off the honey, and then moved into the closet. "I'm betting supplies are in here." He began opening cabinet doors. "Oooo, what nice little toys." He started pulling out items, returning with a handful of things he set on the altar out of Angel's sight.

Angel tried to twist his head to see what Spike had brought, but he couldn't. He pulled and wriggled a little, and endeavored not to think too hard about what Spike intended to do to him. He'd never been in this position with Spike before.

Spike watched Angel's face, his body language, and he suppressed a sigh. He climbed up onto the altar, straddling Angel and grabbing his chin, forcing him to meet his eyes. "The rule is, Angel, if you don't want this, if you don't want what I'm doing, you say no. Just no. And I stop."

Angel scowled a little. "Stop? As in stop, umm, everything?"


Angel growled. "Why do you have to be such a brat?"

Spike's grip tightened a bit. "Because I've got a soul now, wanker. I play differently."

Angel grimaced again. He could remember all too clearly the times Angelus had chained Spike down and simply taken what he wanted. And clearly so did Spike. "Okay, I got it."

Spike let go of Angel's chin and reached over, picking up the honey Angel had used earlier. He drizzled just a little on one nipple, then leaned down to lick it off, teasing the nipple hard with his tongue. He nipped with blunt teeth and Angel moaned softly in response. Spike dripped a trail across his chest and over the other nipple, licking his way across, teasing the other nipple, and playing with it between his teeth. He didn't look up at Angel, as he used to with Angelus when he did this. That would be too submissive, like he was asking for permission.

For Angel's part he was trying not to moan too loudly when Spike worked his nipples over. It hade been a long long time since he and Spike had been together. He'd fought like hell not to want him when Spike showed up here. There was too much history and too much...well, just too much. And now here was Spike and that damn talented wicked tongue of his.

Spike could feel Angel's cock getting harder against his belly as he continued to tease. He stopped, sitting up and reaching over to grab something from the side table. He held it in front of Angel's face. "Recognize this? Know what I'm going to do with it?"

It was a device of leather straps and buckles and Angel groaned. "Cock ring. And yes, I do."

Spike chuckled wickedly as he fitted the cock strap onto Angel. "You put me in one of these often enough."

Angel nodded. There was a wince inside and then the memories. Spike chained, cock bound, teased and aching, for hours and hours. Spike's lips wrapped around his cock. He grunted as his cock grew harder at the memories recalled.

Spike leaned over Angel now, kissing his neck. Angel took in a sharp breath as Spike nipped at his neck with blunt teeth. He wondered if Spike would bite, would feed. He turned his head, baring his neck. For his part, Spike was really tempted. But Angel's blood was like a drug and if he started tasting him now he'd probably just let Angel go and let Angel pound him into the altar. Instead he bit with blunt teeth and whispered, "Not yet." Angel was tempted to whimper, the way Spike used to when Angelus teased him like this, made him wait, but he didn't.

Spike slid down Angel's body now, getting another groan as Spike's thong-covered cock rubbed over Angel's bound one. He kept moving til he was between Angel's legs. He drizzled some honey over Angel's inner thighs and began to lick. Angel gave up trying to be stoic and just let the noises come. Spike knew every tender spot, every place that would make Angel cry out with pleasure, and he was using that wicked tongue to tease and torment. When Spike used to be licking like this Angelus would have a fist in his hair and pull him back when the pleasure got too intense. But Angel had no such control here. He could say 'No', of course, but he sure as hell didn't want all this to end.

Spike did pull back, finally, and looked up to see Angel's face. Angel's head was back, eyes black with arousal, and he was panting, trying to come back to himself a bit. He lifted his head to look at Spike. "Damn," was all he could manage to gasp out.

Spike grinned wickedly and leaned over, bringing back a tube of lube. "And we're just getting started." Angel's eyes widened a bit. What exactly was Spike going to do?

Spike knelt and squirted a glob of lube onto his fingers. His hand moved down between Angel's legs and Angel could feel the lube being pushed into the crack of his ass, right against and then into his nether entrance. He gasped. His fingers curled into the palms of his hands, and he was fighting mightily with himself not to end this. Angelus had never allowed Spike more than a momentary press of a finger into him, and Angel wasn't entirely sure he could handle this. Not the act itself, lord knows Darla had asserted her dominance often enough with her fingers or carved ivory dildos. It was the loss of control.

Spike squirted more lube onto his fingertips and began to slowly press one finger into Angel. He teased around the ring of muscle, loosening it, before he worked it, bit by bit, inside him. All the time he kept looking directly at Angel, almost daring him to look away. Angel shuddered as he felt that slim finger pushing into him. He felt the primal urgings of the demon in him, the monster in the cage, wanting him to fight this, but Angel wasn't going to stop Spike. He'd already felt better tonight than he had in many years and he didn't want to go back to brooding sullenly and sleeping alone.

Spike could read his face, and he felt emboldened to continue. To push this on. A second finger joined the first. He eased it in, then began thrusting. Angel groaned in pleasure and managed to gasp out, "More."

Spike suppressed the urge to chuckle. Spike added a third finger and began thrusting harder, pushing as deeply as he could. Angel tossed his head, moaning and grunting as the pleasure got more intense.

Then Spike stopped. He leaned over and pressed the button that released the manacles. Angel stared at him in confusion. "I...I didn't say no," Angel stammered out.

Spike's fingers were working now on the cock ring and that made Angel's cock pulse as it was released and then Spike's fingers were curled loosely around it. "You've apologized, Angel. Next step is up to you." He looked very intently into Angel's eyes. "Do you want to roll over and let me finish what I started?"

Angel had to consider for a moment, and Spike didn't rush him. This was important. Then slowly, Angel nodded. "Yeah."

They repositioned and Angel actually got on hands and knees. It had always been his favorite position with Spike and he was going to feel what it was like on this end. Spike moved in behind him, his hands gripping on Angel's hips, and he slowly pushed his way into Angel.

Angel let his head drop. He'd never had a man inside him. And it turned out it wasn't the same as when Darla had fucked him with dildos. Spike's cock opened him almost gently, stretched him, and then he gasped when Spike managed to brush his prostate. Spike shallow-stroked then, angling to hit that spot several times, making Angel produce an amazing volume of Gaelic curse words.

"I take it you like?" Spike said.

"Fuck yes, brat, I like. I like a lot."

Spike grinned and pushed in deeper. He started a steady rhythm, deep and slow, making Angel groan and grunt and push back against him wanting more. When he kept pushing finally Spike gripped his hips tightly and then began to slam in, hard, fast, deep, over and over again. There was the slap of skin on skin as he let himself go, let his own passion and need rise, just gave himself over to the moment.

Angel was seeing stars. It was almost too much. He understood now why Spike had squirmed and moaned and begged when Angelus took him so roughly. It was something he hadn't ever felt before. He just relaxed for once, and let go all control. He bellowed as he came, cool seed painting the altar underneath him.

Spike was using all his strength, thrusting violently now, and he was very close to his climax. He held on as long as he could, because he did not want this to end. But finally he just couldn't hold, couldn't stop, and he growled, very like a panther, slamming in and holding as he came.

Spike pulled out, regretfully, and Angel turned over and slumped back onto the altar. Spike looked and him and then stretched over him, half-on, half-off, and laid his head on Angel's chest. Angel absently ran fingers through Spike's hair. From both of them came a low thrum of contented purring, Angel's much deeper.

They laid together in companionable silence for a long few minutes. Finally Angel had to speak. "So, umm...Does this mean we're, well...?"

Spike chuckled. "Yes, eejit, we are. Best make sure you have an xbox in the penthouse by tomorrow, I'm moving in."

Angel sighed. Spike was going to be a handful, as always, but Angel wasn't going to have to stare across the room and just wonder what if anymore.

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