May 09, 2006 10:47
So I was supose to go on a School trip, but I've been feeling so sick lately, and it was supose to be horrible weather where were going, so I stayed home, but yeah I went to school though, and well Sarah and Lisa didn't go either since they have marks in gym, and they can actually do it, so they wanna get good marks, plus if they didn't go then i would be compeltly alone, since all the other Canadians went. This is the first time I'm in the computer lab bymyself for longer then 5 minutes... kinda weird since i have these 2 guys sitting beside me and in the beginning of my spare, I was doing a choir assignment, and i guess i can type pretty fast, when I know what I want to write, and well i think they were trying to do impressions of me, and one time they were both staring at me... it was really weird... there are sooo many cool people here, but then theres just complete weridos, but thats everywhere you go I guess... eh lisa the guy in france with the red hat and green ear plugs.. hehehehe I can't believe you took a picture of him hehehe. that was sweet.
Anyways other then feeling sick and completly behing on my homework, things are going pretty good. my parents are comming to see me on the weekend with my grandparents soo i can't wait to see them. and in 9 days its my bday, and in 15 day i go home... really excited for my birthday since then I'm 17 hehehe, but I'm not excited, for comming home in 15 days, since theres a chance I'll never see these people ever again and thats just depressing.
Anyways i still wanted to write a couple emails before I have to go back to class, so ttyl.
lots of love and kisses! MUAH!