May 28, 2005 20:04
..sis' bball game..--Oakbrook Mall--..Cheesecake Factory..
what do those words have in common?
if you guessed: "thats what you did today"...then you'd be correct.
I went to my lil sis' bball aau game this morning- nice and early. Then Erica (the older sis from college) called to go the mall, so we did the whole "Oakbrook-Shopping-Thing" with our boys for a good bit of the day and had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. Fyi: the raspberry lemonade at that place is to absolutley die for, and you alll should try it, like now!~
now I'm off to do my favorite task of the day--- study for the beloved finals ((like how thats basically an oxymoron))
::dun dun dunnnn::