Jan 25, 2005 18:54
uhmm quick update...as quick as I can make it tho lol
Mike's bday last wk- awesome dinner w/ the family @ Rosebuds n then hung out at his house afta- twas verrrry fun...then he got his license...n then I hung out over there the nxt nite saw some cute home videos n pictures from his photo book that his mom showed me haha they're sooo adorable! Then had some of his friends come ova n hang out a bit... stupid Nicky messed up tho--- ahh wut-da-ya gonna do?!!
Angelina's bday was today- Mike took me to get balloons for her last nite which was cool cuz she loved them n all...n her surprise fiesta was sat. which was soo cute, got to meet her fam and her friends from wvhs lol including Damon haha hilarious stuff there!!! Oh and so her cuzin thinks Mike is hott haha thxxx lol that was funny~
Lets see wut other highlights: n2m really...so glad its 2nd semester...and I've been spending allll this time with Mike---
ahhh I honestly love that kid, hes sooo good to me...even after stupid shit thats been goin on with oneeee certain freshman who doesn't even deserve to be named but its wuteva~ I love everything about Mike and nothing could ever change that, the other day we both fell asleep on the fone it was really cute cuz the nxt morning he called me as soon as he got up n ended up waking me up, but he felt bad cuz he didnt remember saying bye- but it was funny cuz neither did I~