Feb 06, 2006 16:44
So basically,last week (last sunday all the way to this past saturday) has probably been the worst week of my life, im not even kidding. I cant even describe, this event that happened isnt even worthy of posting a livejournal about because if you didnt know already then you dont need to know about it! I really just learned a lot about my friends. im not saying names but some for the better and some for the not so better! People who i honestly thought wouldnt care, have been so nice and im soo lucky that i have them in my life and i know now that they really do care about me! i truthfull dont even think i've ever cried so hard in my life and i hope i never have to go through this again well only one more year but lets hope the same thing doenst happen next year! I'm still a little upset but i think now just about the situation in general becuase i know that if any of you were stuck in this position you would be just as upset if not worse! Although people might think im people irrational, and stupid about this i'm really not! This is the one night of your life that is memorable, i know next year is really the big one but still i know that mostly every girl looks forward too it and it just sucks that this year i wont get to experience that amazing night all because of this stupid incident! It really isnt anybody's fault i just wish that it didnt happen about this way. I'm still skeptical about the whole thing because the more i think about what actaully happened i just get so confused! some stuff was said throughout the week and weekend that i really wish wasnt said and especially becuase i get really insecure i reallly really wish i didnt say something but whatever. I told someone (no names to be mentioned) that mayb this happened for a reason, but i dont know the more i think about it i just dont want to accept it! i know that whatever i say still wont change anything i was just put in a horrible position. and if i could have one wish, it would be that everything was reversed (and when i say that it may sound confusing but there is someone who if hopefully their reading this will know what im talking about) beucase its the honest truth! This was the one thing i really hoped and was waiting for but just didn't happen and i'm going to have to live with what happened! after this happeend i was like okay i guess no biggy ill just look around but, i soon found out there was no one left!! so yeah basically im not going to my junior prom this year (as of now!!) SHIT HAPPENS!! im not going to say anymore because i think all i wanted to say on this entry but there really is no need for any other information and to be honest i doubt very many people are reading this, and if you manage to get through this far i congradulate you!! i just needed to i guess type out my thoughts..soo i'm now going to go start my homework so that this can get off my mind because i cant think about it anymore!!!
i really just wish, that things could go back to normal, i miss it :-(!!!!
<3 Jesss