i'm just a teenage girl experiencing life!

Dec 06, 2005 16:50

no one comments on here :-(!!!!

whatever, so today max came over after school because we were like the only two drama people who didnt go on the trip haha and we had fun :). we wont go into what happened becuase its a secret! and so basically i love max alot and im so happy that we becuase such good friends this year becuase i dont know what i wud do without you :-*!!!!!!!! on the next note; things in my life have become complicated that even i cant explain and it gets me upset. first off drama, im not going to lie but im really scared for it to start- if i didnt have such a love for theatre i most likely wouldn't be doing the show this year. this happens every year and each year it just seems to get worse but my goal for this year is to not let anything bother me and too just have a good time- i know this probably isnt going to happen but welll see, we still have basically the whole year ahead of us! next up, i cant say exactly what it is for certain reasons but lets just say its the hardest thing thats going through my mind right now! this situation is beyond complicated and unfair and i dk i just can't seem to get it off my mind or stop thiking about it,i try trust me i try but i dont know it just seems to keep coming back and like i dont even know what is bothering me exactly i think thats what soo complicated to me--im just very confused and hopefully tonight i will get things unconfusing?! so if u were one of the people who actually took the time out to read this short entry then one i congradulate u and two the last part prob. doesn't make sense to any of you but it does to me and i couldnt explain it exactly because it would cuase a disaster but i just had to write something!
okay its time for me to go start my homework <3


...if only it were easier to explain! :-(
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