Jan 23, 2010 16:21
Hello Rose,
Let me first say thank you for your Friday emails and spells.
I always read every email all the way to the very end. I enjoy reading about your personal journey and the times with your family.
I have not purchased your program strictly due to finances. I feel it would be a wonderful thing, and I do intend to purchase when I can. However, feeding the children comes first.
So here is what I am wanting to learn.
My life and heart is filled with sorrow and shame.
Starting when I was 7 (I am 39 now) when my father left, it feels as if so called "bad luck" has been following me around.
I was sexually molested as an early teen by a close family member, I was raped by 3 men/boys when I was 14, I was told I was not pretty enough or good enough by a boy when I was 17, I had my first child by a vietnam vet when I was 21, he then told me he was incapable of loving anyone.
I then had a boyfriend who beat me nearly everyday for 8 months. I found the strength to leave and find a better life.
I then married a man I thought was wonderful at 23, baby 2 was born when I was 25, divorced at 26.
I then met the one person I could be myself with, and due to his faith, we ended things when I was nearly 28.
At 29 I married my ex-husband again. We had baby 3 when I was 30. Marriage failed due to his superficial ways and infidelity.
I felt strong even though I had been beaten down. I was moving forward past all of the bad men, and bad things, or so I thought.
It has only gotten worse in the past 6 years. I feel beaten down and unable to get this dark shadow out of my personal space.
Many of these things have never been told to anyone, due to shame and pride.
I desperately need to do a cleansing, and I have tried a few different things. It just seems nothing is helping.
Any advise you could share I would be very appreciative.
Thank you for your time.
Be well my friend.