Dec 17, 2006 03:42
So.. I've had a bad day.
Just to outline before going into the whole story..
1. Woke up early. No sleep, at all.
2. Walmart
3. Credit Card/Debit
4. Cashier
5. Hair dye
6. Sister and Tristan
7. Bitch in my parking spot!!
I've had a lot of things on my mind lately. My mind races and I can't sleep. I have not talked to Nick in 14 days. I'm told he's sick and hardly ever wakes up. It's depressed me greatly. I am very thankful for his brother David for taking such good care of me the last few months.
My sister calls this morning before 9 am. I didn't fall asleep til after 6. She wanted to know if I'd take her to Walmart to find my mom a Christmas present. I said okay.. My mom and dad went to check on the lake home today. I fall back asleep. 9:15 my dad calls to ask me if he can put a garbage bag into my trash can. I said okay, I didn't care. He rambled on another 10 minutes about the trash and said they'd be by soon. I laid there, could not friggin fall back to sleep. I took my medicine and got up to answer the door. When I haven't slept and I take my medicine and move around I throw up. I was sick for about thirty minutes this morning. I don't know if I kept the medicine down.
My sister and I went to the store. It was friggin crowded. It wasn't even noon!! People are rude. They park their fat asses in the middle of the isle and yell at their snot nosed ugly little children. They also get mad when you say "excuse me.." because you need to get by them. To top it off my sister seemed to only be concerned about buying Tristan something. Electronic Battleship to be exact. I wouldn't spend a dollar on that stupid mother fucker, but whatever. We spent an hour looking at random crap, including hair color. She wanted to dye her hair today. I walked around the store for two hours battling these rude, stupid, smelly people. She wasn't even going to buy my mom anything..When she found out she couldn't find that game or something else to buy him she wanted to leave. She finally found my mom some OU pajamas. I told her I wasn't leaving the fucking store until she bought what she told me she was going to buy. She hasn't bought dad anything. She didn't buy me anything, but that asshole is high on her list of priorities.
We get to the check out and I had a few items. I went to use my debit card and the machine kept telling me "invalid card" "Card error" "invalid card". So the woman took me to her machine, thinking it was the machine. Meanwhile my sister used her debit card at the same machine and nothing happened. I get to the womans machine and it does the same thing." Card not valid." I thought she was going to cut my card! It was humilating. I used the card last night. I have money in the bank, there was no reason for it not to work. She even typed in the numbers, still same thing.
Thankfully I had money my mom gave me to use as cushion. I gave her the 100 dollar bill and she marked it twice to make sure it was legit! I guess I have a shitty card I must be a crook. My sister during this is saying "If you can't afford it I can pay for it. The school just paid me." I can afford it!!
So I get out to the car and all my sister can talk about is coloring her hair. I call the bank and the guy informs me that my account is fine and the attempts were not even showing up on his screens. He said I had X amount of money in the bank and it should have been working fine. He told me my last transaction was My amazon order shipped today so that should be accurate. He told me to go somewhere else and try it, call him back.
I went to Drug Warehouse. My sister bought hair color. I bought a box. Get to the counter, run the card. Same thing. The girl wraps my card in plastic, says "this usually does the trick". Same thing, invalid account.. I go back outside and call him again. He puts me on hold twenty minutes while he's talking to his boss.. Has no idea whats wrong. Says its not the card because she typed in my numbers and its not showing. Says that maybe their computers are down or not connecting with the stores that I'm going to. Tells me that he can't do anything and that the bank closed(while I was talking to him.) Tells me to wait til Monday, see if it changes and call him back to issue a new card. Then he adds, I dont think that will change anything though, the card number is the issue. He didn't know how to help me when I asked him what I'm supposed to do for money over the weekend. He had no idea what the problem was, and didn't know how to help me. I still have no idea why my account says "invalid."
Having your card denied is probably the most embarassing thing to hapen to me ever.. I'm sure atleast one hundred people have seen me naked too!
So I'm pretty damn pissed. I try to drive home and get cut off twice! The bastards had the nerve to honk at me! I go to Sonic to get my sister something to eat.
I get home and someone is in my parking spot. The old bastard next door had a visitor and she took my WHOLE spot. I never let my guest take his spot but every time I flippin leave my house that old bastard lets someone park in my space. So that pissed me off. I parked super close to her, in the grass, then stood at the window waiting to see who it was. The woman comes out half an hour later. Gets into her car, re-applies her lipstick, combs her hair, fixes her face and begins to type in a computer. I originally thought "maybe that's his home health aide." She had on scrubs, but why did she have to reapply herself? Seriously, did his nurse take my spot or his prostitute?
Tristan calls and tells my sister that he's busy with Danny. He'll be by around 6. I start to color her hair. I take my time to get everything, and we're sitting there waiting for it to finish. She has a bushy bad perm and icky color.(She let that cousin do it and she paid 50 bucks at the beauty college!!). She got an icky color so now it's an icky color that's all the way around her hair. LOL She also told me she'd help me do mine before she left.
So anyway, we're sitting there and I hear a HONK outside. It's Tristan. He calls her and tells her to come outside. Amanda says "Im not finished with my hair." then she says "Can he come inside?" I said, if he doesnt do anything to piss me off. He's not allowed in my house.. So that makes him mad and he storms in, and starts telling her all the things that he's missing because he's waiting on her. I get ticked and tell him "Ill take her to your house, you can leave." He leaves and I finish her hair. I'm annoyed beyond annoyed but aside from being a little dumb she hadn't completely ticked me off yet.
She asks to go to JCPenney's to get a shirt. I take her. She buys a shirt. We leave. I go to the grocery store, they had stuff on sale I needed to make fudge. She throws a little kid fit. "I dont want to go in that store! People ask me if I'm with Tristan. Im gonna call Tristan and have him pick me up here.". So I finally get annoyed with her and say "Ive gone ten places with you today that I didn't want to go, you can get off your ass for five minutes and go inside with me." So we go into the store. I pay cash, yet again..didn't work.
I dropped her off at his house, someone is in my damn spot again!!
I have a migraine.
She didn't keep her end of the hair dye bargain.
I turned on my computer and listened to Elvis.. Elvis makes me happy.
Nick's cousin was online and he let me vent to him about my horrible day which helped me to get it out. Now I feel better. I'm still worried about my card though. :( I dunno what to do. The bank guy doesn't know what the hell he's doing so how am I supposed to know what to do?