Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. After, post this in your journal, and give out some letters of your own.
icecat awarded me the letter "T".
So here goes:
Tieras: They are so regal..
Tigers: Beautiful animals who make me envious just to watch them walk.
Trees: Fully leafed and blooming or showing their autumn colors. I even love the evergreens that gracefully sweep the ground or stand sentinel to nature's beauty.
Tassels: Just a touch of the baroque.
Trellises: Covered with roses or clamatis. Fans of color in the garden or accenting an inviting lawn.
Totem Poles: They make me feel small and insignificant but full of curiosity.
Tiramisu: Rich, smooth, tasty.. my favorite dessert.
Trains: They always seem to be going somewhere or coming from somewhere. I'd love to take one across each and every continent.
Theater: Especially live theater.
Trilogies: The best things come in threes. I love it when a book ends but I can look forward to the same characters in another book.