Twin Peaks, Hellsing, New Book to Read, other crap

Mar 14, 2013 00:33

The twin peaks kink meme is taking off (damnfinekink), and I' really pumped about this. There are some fills I'm definitely gonna do and are super pumped for. I'm really hoping we get some of the AO3 writers in, as there's some great stuff up there.

Some of the members/memers (so far) seem really committed and this is super awesome. :3

I found a new book to read through one of the people who have friended the journal I found a western-magic queer novel to read, which is EVERYTHING I WANT IN LIFE. I was drawn to it because the main character on the cover looked a little like Charlie Prince. I have a new fic about him on AO3, and I'll be coming back to edit it. I also need to post my yuletide fills here.

My fic time is going to be balanced between TP fills (to keep the meme active) and my Integra/Seras romance novel. Once that second one is done, I'm going to work on my cross time D/s nonsense.

I think There Will Be Blood is a new fandom for me, and I'll probably write some violence-not-sex fic for it.

charlie prince, 3:10 to yuma, there will be blood, integra/seras, integra, twin peaks, yuletide, seras, plans

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