today was a happy day in sara land!

May 29, 2004 23:15

wow, so today was the first really happy day i've had in a long time; it was an oasis in the long strech of dry desert my life has been recently. the funny thing is, i didn't really have a reason to be happy, just the little things made me so f-ing ecstatic it was amazing. here are some of those little joys that made my day:

#1 thing was music, and here are some specific examples......
  • "C'mon,. c'mon, spin a little faster. C'mon, c'mon, the world will follow after"
  • "She's so hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh, high above me, she's so lovely. She's so hiiiiiiiiiiiigh like Cleopatra, Joan of Arc or Aphrodite."
  • "I'm just dying in your arms tonight, it must've been something you said...."(story of my life right there)
  • that Shania Twain song "Any Man of Mine"...just the whole shabang
  • "What i like about you" that whole song! love it, gets me everytime!
  • "All i wanna do, is have some fun, i got a feeling, i'm not the only one"

Then there was just some other random stuff that is as follows:
  • bubble baths
  • hair
  • the smell of wet dog
  • bicycle rides with no helmet when the wind is blowing through your hair
  • my new bracelets
  • cute thongs
  • short shorts
  • wine
  • riding my bike and not caring how dorky i probably looked
  • feeling summery
  • reading a good book and really getting into it
  • singing along to the radio when nobody could hear
  • LIZ! and her wonderful comments on my LJ and on hers
  • talking about friends, talking to friends, and being w/ friends
  • how my baby brother thinks every boy that comes in contact w/ me has a mega crush on me, and how my little cousin thinks that too
  • dancing in my underwear
  • how you feel all clever when you think of a trick to do something really fast that should be really long and hard :-P
  • being w/ the most cynical, yet hilarious person ever!
  • having long book disscussions
  • playing w/ fire
  • how young kids see older kids, and they think they're so cool and they wanna be just like them.....and the fact that we were those younger kids just a couple years ago, and now we're the kids they wanna be like

i just loved today so f-ing much becuase of all those little things, plus more which i can't think of right now, that made my day happy....i hope more days can be like this one. :-) much love! x0x0x

*kisses + hugs, kisses always come first*

<3 Sara

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