wowowow first things first! i just had like the biggest near heart attack of my young life. holy freaking crap! ahh okay so i'm sitting here on the puter trying to write my essay, right, and its like what 915 at nite and i hear this noise at the window but like i didnt really comprehend cuz i was in writing mode and ppl were up and talking and stuff. k then like 10 minutes later i freakin hear it again but this time it was like full blown scary. it was like pounding on my front window but rly fast and short like stacatto. at first i thought it was my bro so i was like calling across the house askin if it was him.
it wasn't. he was in the b-room washing up. he didn't even hear it.
so we wake up mi padre (yes he goes to bed very early) and he goes out into the front yard. but nothing.
so i keep typing. then like 5 mins later i hear it again. ben hears too this time. so he starts tellin mi padre thru his bedroom door. during that time we hear it again. at this point i'm crouching behind the couch (stay below the windows)...yes wimpy, i know, but ever since that dream i've been ultra more than usual. so anyways daddy goes back outside.
still nothing.
me and ben are really scared now. i have to keep working though. i have a bat right next to me. ben is waiting in the hall, silently, he has a bat too.i call derek with the guise of wanting the math h/w. i really did want it but even more i wanted to have someone to talk to to make me less scared, and i knew he would be awake. (thanks). about 10 mins later we hear it again. ben reacts right away and dad comes out again. he makes me hang up. then goes outside again to check.
still nothing.
now we're all really worried. mom and dad wait on the couch because ben has to go to bed but we still need to get to the bottom of this. so i'm still working, i still have the bat w/ me. i can barely type because i'm shaking so bad. i was trying to work but i was thinking about how the small chance of sleep i had was now totally annihilated. 15 mins pass. i hear the noise again. mom and dad jump around. mom turns just in time to see "something" at our back window. i thought it was front window. i was wrong. mom thinks its an animal. dad starts to go outside, but mom goes to the window and spots the culprit.
its a bird.
yes, a dirty little morning dove.
it was hurt.
we got it to leave the window. then we went outside to see if it was okay. it couldn't fly well. there was nothing we could do about it though, but we got some water for her.
one little bird....i can't believe it caused that much hulabaloo. i'm still scared though, because while we were outside i heard something in the house, like a doorknob. no one believes me though. i'm convinced. i still have the bat.
scary, huh. i think so.
so ew, here's something on a little lighter (or should i say, heavier ) note, here is what was eaten at the extravaganza. brace yourselves.
- 1 half gallon cookie dough ice cream
- 2 packs of gummy worms
- half jar carmel syrup
- half jar fluff
- whole package of oreos
- tub of popcorn and 3 large sodas at movies
- 2 liters sprite remix berry clear
- half of a bag of tostitos scoops
- quarter jar of habenero salsa
- 3/4 bag of baked ruffles
- onion dip
- half bag of cheetos puffs
- 4 raisin bagels
- gallon of orange juice
- one pound of spaghetti
- one jar of spaghetti sauce
- almost whole 12 pack diet soda
OH EM GEE! (omg) holy freakin crap. how we managed that, i don't know. there were only 4 or 5 of us (depending on the times) wow. it amazes me. i'm sure it amazes you too. kinda disgusting, but all in good fun.
now my friends, i think i shall go study. i'm such a good kid. catch ya on the flip side....if i dont' get attacked tonight. pray for me please.
i know it shouldn't, but it hurts...
*kisses and hugs...kisses always come first*
<3 Sara
P.S. boys suck.....but its okay....this time.