havent updated in a while..

May 04, 2005 17:08

Lets see...over the week nothing new really. school. track. homework.

Friday- went to school. then i had a track invite i had to go to at anchor bay. it was soo much fun. saw austin there and hung out with him n megan the whole time. came home talked online and to brittany on the phone. showered. then went to sleep.

SATURDAY- OML. Fricken great day. lets see woke up and got ready. went to Brittanys home. then we did Deidre's makeup for her dance recital. then we went to the dance recital. it was pretty interesting. saw some ppl we knew. he sisters dance was sweet. Deidre is soo cute. then we went to Coney Island. yum. then we went to pick up Mitch. well since we didnt have enough room in the car me n Brittany decided to sit in the trunk and let Mitch sit in the front. wow what and experience. haha. then we got to Brittanys house. hung out for a little called some more ppl. Mitch sang to Brittanys dog. haha. then we decided to bake a cake. then Anna, Eddie, Nick, Kelly, and Alyssa came over. we all hung out played some PS2. then we got a game of dodge ball goin in the living room cause were sweet :) .. then me brittany n nick played some volleyball and we all hung out. and all i can say is WOW whata fun night. then me n Kelly slept over Brittanys. after everyone left we went in the hot tub for like 2 hours and talked about everything. then we got out and started watching a movie but didnt finish it then we talked some more and went to sleep. woke up at 1. decided we wanted some chinese so we walked up to New Moon. yummy! cause me n Brittany eat Chinese for breakfasst like everyday. then me n Kelly had to leave. then I came home and talked to Austin on the phone for a while. then i went to sleep.

Monday- school. track. then stayed for the iroquois track meet. my sisters relay got 1st. it was hailing out though for a little bit. then me n my dad went to a basketball meeting.

Tuesday- OMG. FUN DAY. school. track meet. ran then 3200 relay, open 400, and the 1600 relay. did pretty good lost by a couple points i believe. then went to the PISTONS GAME. picked up Adam and Kyle Junga. Had a lot of fun got on the big screen ;) haha Kyle. some lady in front of us told us to chill out with the thunder sticks. so me n kyle just kept making more noise. cause duh its a pistons game im gonna cheer loud. lol. then they won!! woop woop. me n kyle got some confetti and sang hey hey hey good bye since the Pistons are sweet and won the first round! then on the ride bak home jammed to some old music. and me n kyle decided were gonna be in a band with the thundersticks as our music. kept fighting each other with the thundersticks. i won of course. haha. then dropped of kyle and adam. got home took a shower and went to sleep.

Today- woke up went to first hour, gym. then i worked the Special Olympics for the rest of the day. it was soo cute. i loved every minute of it. wow it was soo amazing to be a part of this. i had a lot of fun. after we timed and cheered we ate pizza and cookies and they got awards. then went back in the school around 2 and changed for track practice. after track came home and did some homework. now i have to go study.

<33 SaMm
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