Love Unconditional- an expose

Jan 03, 2006 23:29

Ignorance challenges the ideal of unconditional love. . Face it we hate each other. People gravitate toward those with like belief system. The opposing groups become the enemies not to be tolerated or understood. Sadly, some churches preach hate from the pulpit. Hatred of gays. Intolerance of evolutionists. Ignorance to the fact that God is not beyond cause and effect.  So many things that God has done or enabled is scientifically explainable.  God loves wisdom. Several chapters of bible are devoted to the importance of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.  Why would He want us to remain in the dark about the beauty of life?  Yet many people don't feel God and science can co-exist. God is science (not referring Tom Cruise's version of religion).  God Himself remains anti-religion.  Religious people forbid this. Despise that. Yet, God's simple message of love gets filtered by their own standards of traditionalism and religiousification. Without wonder, people increasingly turn their eyes from God. God remains a hard sell as it is.  He does not need such incompetent sales reps.  He rests as a myth or hoax to those who disbelieve. With a mass of His so-called representatives running amok, I don't blame disbelief. I should have been an atheist or at least an agnostic.   Growing up, my thoughts of God abraded by hypocritical parents and a congregation of pretenders, I made the hard decision not to judge God or base my belief on the actions of mankind.  Man is not God.  Man equals human, flesh, blood and culpable of  a multitude of mistakes.  God is blameless and gives both believers and non-believers free will to make our own choices. His message remains that of unconditional love.  Not traditions, religions, intolerance, hatred, or judg*ment.   Believers and Non-believers hold great expectations of God.  We expect God to be the righter of wrongs, preventer of hurt, tragedy, and death.  We say look there is no God if we face hardship or witness  saddening loss.  While God can do all things, He enables us to live with by our own volition..  True men or women of God who choose to genuinely abide in Him, do so with unconditional love for their fellow man.  This does not mean that they do not get angry or sin.  We all sin. We all get angry.   We are all human, but the ability to love unconditionally sets true believers apart.  The true test of a true Christian or believer is true and expressed unconditional love. If someone operates under a different motive, he lies to himself in the belief that hatred can coexist in a vessel of God.   So in the midst of hypocrites and false preachers, I separated myself so that I could experience God as He designed and illustrated through the Holy Bible.  Though I was lacking in many areas, I felt whole and complete because God shares His unconditional love, unspeakable joy, and serene peace.  Without Him, I could have given up in so many areas of my life.  Instead, I press for the mark for the prize.  I press forth in my marriage by being patient and loving even when I have to scream vilely to  be understood.  I press forth in my relationship with  my mother even when I have to ignore comments that challenge my ability to get past dead issues.  I press forth in my parenting even when people question my methods.  I press forth in my education even when I have sooo much on my plate that my air gets thin.
I cannot help myself.  I have seen my life without God and it was that of constant confusion, cycles of depression, hurt, and disappointment.  I refuse to allow those elements to re-enter my life.  I feel free.

spirituality, love

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