So it all started on a stormy Tuesday morning... (lol)
We had a blast. I figured I'd recap and post some pictures from our adventure, so enjoy.
The first stop of the morning was Starbucks--mmm, what a wonderful way to start out your day. The ladies messed up Elise and Kayla's orders, and the cash register lady was SO hitting on Kayla. It was great. From starbucks, we continued on to Stanislaus. It was the scariest drive ever. The rain was TERRIBLE, and we were pretty much scared shitless. But once we got in to Turlock, it was okay.
We couldn't find a goddamn parking space, so Elise dropped us off at the music department while she searched for one. Kayla and I had no idea what the hell to do, so while Elise was in her voice lesson, we went to the potty and took pictures.
After the potty, we decided to chill in the hall next to the percussion practice rooms. Some dude walked by with his friend and was saying something to the affect of "Oh yeah, lick my asscrack baby." Kayla and I could not contain our laughter. When he saw us laughing, he said. "And how are you ladies?" to which I replied with a snort, and some more insane laughter.
Then we took more pictures. :)
It was then time to leave Stanislaus. As we walked outside, it was sunny and nice...but as soon as we got in the car it started fucking pouring again and I was pissed. The weather pretty much sucked until we got over the Altamont. It was so bad at one point that we could see NOTHING in front of the car, and once again we were scared shitless.
Notice how the left half of the sky is sunny and blue, then as it drifts to the right, it's black as hell. Yeah, it was weird.
We needed to stop for gasolina, and silly us, we stopped in Oakland. Kayla and I had to go pee, but we didn't want to get shot, so we held it. The gas station was scary, but we still managed to take a picture. Lol.
After we got back on the road and such, we hit SF and got lost as fuck. Never use Yahoo! maps. They gave us an exit that hadn't exsisted for years, and we eneded up in Daly City. Hmm. But I got some pretty pictures on the way. :)
It took us forever to finally get into Frisco, then even longer to find out where the hell we were going. I swear to god, Post St. moves when it feels like it, because we could NEVER get to it when we needed to. AHH! traffic wasn't so bad, and when we were stopped I got some pretty sick ass pictures.
After like, 2 hours, we finally decided just to fucking park somewhere. Good thing we did, because it was where we needed to be. YAY! So, after asking directions from some crazy little Japanese dude that we couldn't understand, we quickly made our way to get some peetz. We ended up at EXTREME PIZZA, and it was pretty EXTREME. But, before anything else, we had to EXTREME pee. And it was nice. Ahhh, relief.
This fucking sign threw us off SO bad. I know they did it on purpose:
Kayla and I were eager to get in line, so we bitched at Elise to finish her peetz and made our way to the Fillmore. This is the point where I should have killed myself. I hate myself so much...we were standing, just chilling in line, and none other than Adam T. Siska walks right by. Now, in case you don't know, I made it my goal to meet him--I wanted to so badly. SOOO badly. And, what did I do? I fucking froze and stood there, watching him walk past me, with my mouth open. I NEVER thought I'd turn into a teeny in a situation like that, but as soon as he left, I freaked out. Elise said we'd just wait until he came back. ask really cooly to take a picture with him and it'd all be good. But he was wearing his hood on the way back and I didn't see him until he was gone. :( Total fucking bummer.
We made some friends in line, and they were super cool. Callie and Jeff were rad, and Jessica (?) and her mom were pretty cool, too. We all talked and giggled and got excited together, and pretty much stuck together the whole night. Callie and Jeff got me a Chai latte, which was SO nice, as I was freezing my ass off.
OH YEAH, forgot to mention--once dusk hits, it gets fucking COLD in SF. So, Elise and I bundled up.
So, like 45 minutes before the show, some chicks and a few dudes start walking around with a box of TAI shit, asking trivia questions for prizes. I so answered like 3 of them, and I got a signed poster. Woo! It's up in my room right now. They then held up a T-shirt and asked, "What is the craziest thing you will do for this shirt?" Me, of course, being the person that I am, immediately screamed out "GET NAKED!!" To which they answered, "Alright, do it!" So as I start unzipping my hoodie, they abruptly stop and ask me if I'm 18. Silly me, I said no. But Elise excalimed right away "I'll do it!!!" and started stripping. I thought I was going to die. They didn't think she'd do it, so all she took off was her shirt, and they just gave the TAI one to her. It was savage, as there were 2 busses of people unloading while she was doing it. Go Elise!
So time passed, and it eventually was time to go into the venue. The security guard took my freaking sharpies, but not my camera. What the fuck?
I went pee, and Kayla, Callie, Jeff and Elise made their way to the front of the stage. We wanted barricade SO bad, but these preppy bitches were there first, and pretty much gave us shit the whole time we were there. Duing HelloGoodbye, they were freak dancing. What the fuck. Now, from this point until TAI played was pretty much terrible. Idk why, but the pit was BRUTAL during HGB. I seriously mean brutal. The ugly preppy chick told Kayla that if she pushed into her again, she'd "fucking sock her." And people there were just very rude. I like to think I'm a nice fan, because I try to help people out. This one girl dropped her camera, so Elise and I pushed off from each other to try to hold the crowd apart so she could find it, and she did. But people were pretty terrible--HGB wasn't even playing anymore, and people were still pushing and being super rude. I was getting kind of freaked out, so I had to crowd surf out. Once I got over the barricade, this one chick was like "You fucking dumbass!", to which I replied with a middle finger...but yeah, it was really bad and I was uber bummed. Elise and Kayla stayed in the pit, but I guess while I was in the potty, it collapsed. Okay, this is where I get pissed--instead of the people around helping people up, they started MOVING IN MORE. What the fuck??? 'Oh look, some people fell so instead of helping them let's trample them so we can get closer to the stage.' Assholes. Panic's fans=shitbags.
So I stood in the merch line during Acceptance, and I was really bummed. Elise and Kayla eventually got out and found me, so we got t-shirts and went to the back to watch Panic. They were okay, but like I said, their fans ruined it for me. But...once it was time for TAI, all the Panic assholes left and we got a comfy, good spot for TAI. I was freaking out, this time in a good way. They were amazing. Utterly amazing. I had the time of my life.
I seriously took like 170 pictures. It was amazing. I sang along to every word of every song and rocked out harder than I ever had before. It was perfect, and after their set, I was the happiest I've been in a very long time. Wow.
We stuck around for a little bit, hoping for a setlist or something but didn't get one, so we walked to KFC/Taco Bell. While we were walking, two of the dudes that were there when Elise got her free shirt were in front of us. So I said something to them, we chatted for a sec and said goodnight. Went to Taco, got our food, and guess who comes in? So without even saying anything, one of the guys (who I later found out was named Mike) sat down next to us, and we pretty much had a blast. The other guy (still don't know his name, but he was really short. Lol) left his sidekick on the table and I jacked it. He so didn't even notice. It was funny.
We talked for a while and found out they were following the tour, as they know some of the guys in the bands. I thought that was amazingly cool. Turns out they have their own band (who is pretty good), and we talked about that for a little while. It was really fun. I'm sad, I can't find my picture of the big-ass soda, but, this one dude had a bug-ass motherfucking soda, and it was like a gallon. I was excited! Haha, easily amused, yes?
So, all in all it turned out to be an amazing day. We had a blast, met some amazing people, saw an amazing show and made some amazing memories.
Thanks to TAI for having a show. I wouldn't have had this experience w/out it (duh!).
the end.