Jan 16, 2005 21:14
hey ppl.. god no offence i love you all and i know tht i have "lost touch" with most of you and i am really sry but its not like you tryed to keep in touch with me either oh ya sure you would make me feel like shit and talk to rayne bout it but you nvr evr came directly to me and said it so w/e but its ok tho cuz we made our own new freinds and evrything is all good but when you offend lorraine you know you did sumtin really bitchy and stupid cuz she hardly evr gets hurt unless it is sumtin serious and this entry of hers was not ment to hurt ne one it was meant to advise and just give her thoughts but think about this does lorraine do anything to anyone intettionally to hurt ne one or does she evr hurt ne one? no and if you know if she has then share plz cuz i knoe you won't be able to find ne thing. so next time lorraine wants to share her thoughts and write in her own lj, i mean tht is wat this is about rite? then don't take it is like for you, ask first cuz you mite be able to find out tht not evrything is about you. well sry if i have offened you but chill seriouisly, this is just me affending my beano. cuz i fucken love her to death and i hate it when she gets hurt so plz be nyce and not take evrything so freakin seriously, cuz she did get hurt.......and even if you said you mite regret saying w/e you said lata but lorraine really got hurt, you should have seen her face wen she read your lj entry..... i think you knoe who you r , she looked like she was bout to cry... well i love you all and i am just lookin out for my lil beano...