May 22, 2006 20:08
Okay, so we're at monte cello's, grubbin you know? Anyway,on the way back we're walking up this street (after a long series of delays) and we hear little noises. I thought it was a bird so I kept walking. Then I hear danny yell something and run across the street. I thought he was pointing at this pink ribbon in a tree, and I got all pissed. But then I saw this blonde kitten like rolling down a hill and danny's like KITTENS.
Anyway, there was a blonde and a black kitten in this like, hole in a rock formation on the side of the road. Theres a big dead cat in the hole to :(, it's mother. Anway, matt got gloves from this dude across the street and he had to pull this stiff cat out of the hole, which looks incredabely hard. We rapped the kittens up in danny's hoodie and after like 20 minutes of frantically calling operators and shit to get an animal shelter, we get the fucking answer machien of animal friends. Fucks. So we took them up to trecki and tried to get them to drink and all of that. I named The black one Wayne and the blonde one Garth. I think all of us have our own names for them haha.
Anyway, matt took them home and I think he'll take them to a vet tommorow.
They were so awesome. I really hope they live.
It's just crazy. We have pictures, I'll show you my children when matt sends them my way!