Mar 23, 2006 18:04
I really just want to put on Final Fantasy (Band, not game, or movie) and go for a drive. Of course, I only have my permit and am the worst driver in the world, it just seems like a good idea.
I had so many projects due today that I didn't actually do. Fuck. I know I'm forgetting something super important.
I picked up the leaked SAVES THE DAY and oh my god, it's so good. Seriously, possibly album of the year. I forced myself to chill with listening to it, cause I don't want it to get old, thats upsetting.
Tommorow...Hmm. Everyones going to that dinner dance thing, those things aren't my style. I'm not sure what I'll do, but I never have plans anymore. Borders, tripping, bill murray, probally. It's the usual.
Mannnn, I really really want to record a new Lorelai song. The demo we have up now sucks. I hate it. I can't believe it actually worked, but I'm tired of it. I want to record I Ain't Your Friend, Palooka. I think out of all the songs of all the bands I've been in and wrote and stuff, this is the best. It's got sing along hardcore, it's got a mean breakdown, it's got soft acousticness, like, I really feel it's got everything a post-hardcore band should have in a song. I'm just excited to see how it would be once recorded. When we play it live, it gets nuts. the end breakdown tremolo thing, the first sentence of lyrics I scream totally takes all the air out of me, then it's like a minute of jumping around, mic swinging, freaking out, probally falling and laying on the ground (As I did at our show) then when your done, you're just like TURN THE FUCKING INSTRUMENTS OFF, FIVE MINUTE CHILL BREAK. Thats why we'll probally always play it last at shows haha. I don't have drivers ed anymore, so I definately plan on rocking a lot more. Hopefully two day a week Lorelai practice. Matts in another band, which happens to be really good, so I don't know what his schedule is with that, hopefully he could rock two days a week. I want to play keyboard and or sing (probally just back ups would be cool) in a rock band. I know I call like every band a rock band, but I mean like, Saves The Day and stuff. Not all out screamy breakdowns. I can never find anyone who digs the same music as me, sigh.
Long entry, oh my.