kerry 04

Sep 23, 2004 16:56

I really liked today for some reason. So many bad things happened, but looking back on it, my day was grand. School has not been bad what-so-ever for me. And neither has life, although i haven't done anything artistic in.. a few hours, but nothing pleasing. I like my job a lot, I like how people will just start up conversations with me.
My diet is going well, and i have my photo shoot the 3rd of october. I'm looking so forward to it.
Tomorrow night is Eli's dad's party, i am so excited. Its black and white attire so of course i had to go buy something amazing for the party Tomorrow. And since the party is at park ave, i had to be looking great. Stephen and i went to millenia after school yesterday. LUCKILY urban outfitters has an x-box and a Madden game to entertain him while i look around the store for hours looking for the perfect black top. I finally found it, its gorgeous. Eli and i get our paychecks Tomorrow too!! =) Well post pictures later.

Can anyone fell fall slowly creeping in? I love it.

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