Nov 06, 2007 20:12
viva las vegas! just got back from nevada today. was a long loonnnggg trip home. even longer once arriving realizing that it is absolutely FREEZING in this place. chicago's a great city, always will be home to me, but i dont want to live here much longer. considering brock and i both went on this trip (birthday gift to me :)) we are both pretty motivated to get on the ball and get the hell out of here. i know we will be moving to the west coast eventually, but for now we must focus and work.
vegas was amazing, as i remember. best shopping. best food. we stayed at the mgm grand. great rooms! haha. line or cover charge at any club. club hopping tons to check them all out and gosh..all the hotels and casinos are amazing. no gambling. fuck that. sleeping in :) explored nevada. hoover dam! heyyy! haha. quality time with my <3 met some cool ppl..haha. motivation! oh..and spending wayyy too much money but hey! happy birthday to me :] i would have had fun regardless of all the $ spent because i love spending one on one time with my love. its like getting to know him all over again or remembering why i am so in love :)
i cant really see my future right now. i know what i want to do but life dosent alllwayyyss work out exactly the way you see it. i mean that in a negative way, i just feel like theres gonna be a few twists and turns on the way but not necessarily bad ones..
wow, this entry was a total typo.
im out.
why do i update?
probably because i can and i dont give a fuck.