June bugs sing- Today is a day of...

Jun 06, 2006 09:41

The thing about being a complete idiot is that you get to spend a lot of time with people that you love.   Given- they're like babysitting you... but still... you know the coddled comfy feeling of being smothered.  That's love.

I suppose it's officially summer now.  Most everyone is out of school. It's June. (oh god, it's 6/6/06!!!!!! *widespread panic* /completely cynical manner)  June is a good time to pull your shit together... I suppose.  Unless you're me and you're just doing the usual, self-absorbed idiotic things that you usually do and shedding widespread and rampant salt-water in the process.    Ah... c'est la vie.

On to bigger and brighter things... I will be on vacation from the for a couple of weeks this month... if you want postcards, give me your mailing address, or suffer the indescribable and desolate feelings of not getting those cheesey cheep little peices of card-stock in the mail.

I really should go get ready now... I have an eye-doctor appt in an hour because I'm blind- blind as a bad.

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