(no subject)

Apr 19, 2007 21:03

i feel like shite, a burden.
i want to turn back to my old self. 
but its hard.
i've let everyone down.
my team, the supporters, coach, ...
i really am a noob and i think i should just die.
i dont know what to say.
stoning's my favourite hobby. 
i detest it when people ask if we've won.
i want to punch them and cry.
and guess what im running for sports day tomorrow.
i think im going to be yet another burden.
i dont know how to make myself feel better,
the scene just keeps replaying in my head,
the score and how my team looked at us with hope,
then it ended. 
i really dont know how to explain myself.
everytime when things get crucial, i just dont seem good enough to handle it.
the ac match and now this.
i dont know how much i've let my team down.
played like shit when the opponents were bloody noobs.
after the game, i swear i totally ignored everyone.
and elaine just went home.
best friends just feel the same way.
we feel like a burden and honestly, i dont know how to face you all,
so i just shut up and not say anything.
cos i know whatever i say will not make up for what my mistakes.
im very sorry that i've let you all down.
all your hopes and cheering just went down.
i just wish people would leave me alone,
i really dont deserve all these niceness,
cos i've let everyone down.
im a pathetic piece of nonsense, just another faggot in this world.


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