
Mar 18, 2004 18:09

I'm going to do something highly unusual for me in the past year, and let out an actual rant.

On school - I'm sick and tired of bullshit professors who absolutely do not know how to teach. Yes, we know that you know your subject, thats why you are a professor, but don't expect us to know it to the same level if you CAN'T FUCKING TEACH. Either tells us what to read in the book, or put the information on the slides, or say what we need to know in class so we can write it down. Don't ignore all 3 options then put some random bullshit on the test that was not covered well in any of those 3. I'm surprised one of my profs even had the balls to walk around after the test he gave last week.

On women - It's true what they say. When you finally stop looking for one, they are everywhere. And they are easy. And I'm fucking tired of it. There, I said it. GIRLS STOP BEING SO FUCKING EASY. I realize that your body is probably your best tool at getting what you want in life, but have a little damn self respect. I've got a newsflash for you, if you want me, being a little whore will not work. Its not attractive. The one girl that ever really meant a lot to me appealed because I thought things like that never occurred to her innocent mind. She was very dear to me indeed, but in the end even she turned out to be a lie. I'm not looking for a girlfriend, I'm looking for THE girlfriend, and so far I'm looking for a mercedes benz in a toyota lot.

On friends - Some people are the best friends you could ever hope for, whether they are the close personal kind, or the kind that keep their distance but you can always trust isn't playing some kind of game. Some people are the type of friends that are so wrapped up in their own drama and self-righteousness that they never take a step back to realize they cause their own problems, but bitch to everybody else as a result of their own games. Several people of this type had some accidents and problems over spring break that I would have normally felt sorry for them about, but I'm tired of it. Bad karma comes back to get you, I should know.

I hope everyone else had a great spring break, my beach trip was great except for the end when I got sick with whatever was going around campus before I left.

The list for this weekend grows, and is beginning to exclude studying more and more. If you have something you'd like to add to my plans, drop me an IM.
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