Feb 05, 2009 17:42
Well, my friend Scott from high school was able to swing by for a little visit. Good to know he is exactly the same as he was 6 years ago when I saw him last. So, Scott, I don't know if you'll be annoyed or comforted or neither when you read this, but your the same, and that made me glad. We were able to go hiking with one of the special ed teachers, Shelley, that I work with. She probably thought it was strange when Scott was there, because I didn't tell her before we went that he was coming, but I always like leaving little surprises for people. Then, Cary, Scott, and I went to Los Olivos! Yum Mexican food and margaritas!
This week has been slightly insane at work. On Monday, I was at two different schools trying out communication devices with students. They both have Autism. One was in middle school the other was in elementary school. It was crazy because at that particular elementary school they have at least 4 self-contained classrooms all with kids with Autism. Stacy, the Occupational Therapist I work with, and I had been to the school the week before to observe, because we have three pending evaluations at this school, and we observed some of the kids on the playground, and it was crazy. All Autism, everywhere.
On Wednesday, we went and observed at another elementary school that has a large number of self-contained classes. We have several pending evaluations there too. There was a really fun class there with some very verbal kids, but one of the kids that we were there to observe had Autism too, and he sounded like he was possessed by demons. He would say all of this jargon or nonsense speech, and then a word or two would randomly pop out. It was one the weirdest thing I have experienced in my career, as of yet. Stacy said that his jargon speech was his form of stimming.
On an unrelated note, Cary is fixing his friend's sandrail, and his friend is going to give Cary his other sandrail in exchange for a propane kit. So, Cary has another project, and I guess we will be going to the dunes more. I think I we will be going Presidents' Day Weekend, so I guess I have decided not to come to Ohio then. I just can't bring myself to face the cold yet. I have a four-day weekend over Easter, so maybe then.
Well, that is all for now. I guess I better do some paperwork.