Ello ello!
I had a busy busy busy few days and lots of good things have happened, other's not so good.
I'll start off with the good. Saturday we went to shutzenfest and got shutzenfaced, it was hillarious. Krystal and Pam had a hotel room in the city which was very swanky. We went into shutzen at about 3:30, i was already pretty drunk (a litre of bubbly will do that) we all bought our steins and away we went. I ran into a few people I didn't want to see aka HAYLEY but you get that. We stayed at shutzen til about 12 and in those lost hours many a beer and cidar was consumed. I caught up with Casey and Dave and also ran into Chris's mate Marty, he was off TAP, pretty damn funny. Once back at the hotel we decided it was a good idea to go swimming so we all stripped off and away we went, sooooooo funny. Couldn't convince any of the boy's besides Chris to get in, can you say PIKERS. After our midnight drunken swim we went and go changed and headed down to the bar in the hotel, it was packed and we drank even more, we stayed here for about a hour chatting and so on and then headed accross to the casino where we drunk even more... to say i was drunk was a understatement!!! I think i left town about 5am, but i'm not too sure, i was so drunk i didnt even say goodbye to anyone i just dissappeared so sorry Krystal, Pam, Chelsea, Chloe, Adam and random guy :P although there is no way in hell you will be reading this ;) Needless to say I was still recovering from Saturday's ordeal all day at work today. I can't wait to catch up with Krystal to find out what fun was had after i left ;P
Here's a random photo from Saturday
Pam, Krystal and ME!!!
there are more but i wouldnt dare post :P
On a sadder note my poor dom has CHICKEN POX, it totally sucks, he looks in absolute agony and there is nothing I can do :( :( :( when we found out yesterday that he had them I was telling him I wanted to catch them so I could have a week off to hang out but seeing him today and how much pain he is in there is NO way i want them. I hope I dont get them. They say it's harder to get them twice but apparently my younger sister had them twice so i guess there is a slim chance I could get them, hope not though.
Anyways thats all from me!