Mar 30, 2005 20:14 some know i had a rough couple of weeks..and every
lil thing that reminds me of it or..things i see
myself or think about just kills me!But i will say me
and anthony are alot better..ppl make
mistakes,im a fogiving person LOL just don't take advantage!
well im str8 now..things are actually really good,and anthony
makes me the happiest person..and i love him so much.
It would be diff. w/o him in my life.
The ring 2 was good..very scary,but wayyy better than the
1st one.right???this question isnt for briana..she thinks the 1st
one was better what a loser!hahaha love her still
should've said something but I've said it enough
by the way my words were faded
rather waste some time with you
the used