hs_bingo card & THANK YOU

Aug 03, 2010 20:52

Whoo, whoo! hs_bingo , y'all. I so don't have time for this, but I'm gonna do it anyway! :D

private/ prep school
unrequited crush
new teacher
jocks/ cheerleaders
class—- sex education/ health
winter break
embarrassing parent
first car
student/ teacher
sweet sixteen
cutting class
guidance counselor
home schooling
first date
mutual hate
coming out
group date
sneaking on school grounds
emos/ goths
party games
study buddies
janitor's closet

I got like 75% of the prompts I wanted, so that's good. I'm excited!

ALSO: thankyouthankyouthankyou to whoever nominated "Those Who Run" for glee_fic_awards !!! You seriously just made, like, my entire life. ♥ 

my life is actually not boring right now, hs_bingo

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