Musing on Mozzie

Jun 30, 2011 14:25

Some thoughts about The Dentist of Detroit and other things.

First things first: I love Mozzie!

Aside from my somewhat lonely dark-ship fetish for Neal/Adler, my main ship is Neal/Mozzie or Neal/Kate/Mozzie. My tin-hat is VERY STRONG for the belief that Neal and Mozzie were involved prior to Neal going to work for and on Vincent Adler and falling in love with Kate.

In fact, while Eastin is playing games with prom pictures and baiting the fangirls, I think the case can be made that every episode this season has strengthened the image of Mozzie doing everything possible to keep “his” Neal, the criminal on the dark side of the law and thus away from his rival, The Suit. Even if you don’t put on the slash glasses, the way Mozzie broke the cell-phone after calling Peter in On Guard looked like one hell of a jealous snit to me.

They did it again with that very melancholy scene between Neal and Mozzie in the most recent episode, The Dentist of Detroit. It couldn’t have been telegraphed any more clearly that Mozzie knows he’s already lost the battle, but is still telling himself he can win.

To be honest, I didn’t really like the episode as a whole.

For one thing, in spite of loving Mozzie, as was clear in By The Book, a little Mozzie goes a long way. I did like the way it was implied that some of the quirkiness is part of the con and some isn’t and Moz himself may not be aware of where the line is. This is something that’s been part of my own Mozzie fanon for awhile.

At least this time around we didn’t get the embarrassment of another one-way love story. That thing with Gina was massively cringe-worthy and not particularly convincing. We KNOW who Mozzie’s obsessed with. It ain’t a waitress.

Also, ripping off The Sting? MEH! I love that movie. LOVELOVELOVE. But it’s perfect and rehashing it, doesn’t make me feel warm and fuzzy, not matter how good the boys look in tuxes. Because it’s all lamp-shaded, so where’s the suspense? (Now if they’d let Tim DeKay do a variation on Newman’s “fake drunk” scene, that might have been fun.)

Appropos of nothing, yes I am sick enough to want some Mr. Jeffries/Mozzie fic, because the idea of the mentor as lover would then feed into Mozzie taking that same role with young Neal.

So what I really want to talk about is where can they really go with any of this?

Neal is NOT going to run away with Mozzie. He’ll either have to completely betray him by telling Peter everything or at least emotionally betray him by refusing to go away. The emotionally/dramatically logical ending is for Neal to have a final epiphany that he’s totally lost Neal to the Suit and Mrs. Suit and end up sacrificing himself to save Neal and or Peter…maybe Peter as final proof to Neal of how much Mozzie cares about him…although I prefer a more selfish Mozzie, just because I’m that kind of a gal.

I doubt this will happen. USA just isn’t that kind of network and this isn’t that kind of show, which is why I may be the last person on the planet who still doesn’t 100% believe Kate is really dead.

Maybe they’ll save it for the very last minute of the very last show, but I think she’s out there somewhere…and that will be Eastin’s last minute way of sticking it to the same slash-fans who’ve made this show a hit.

Perhaps Mozzie will watch Neal walk away from the Suit and into Kate’s arms, (which means theoretically back into his as part of that OT3) and he’ll be smiling.

And so will I.
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