Jan 18, 2011 18:00
HEY GUYS, DO YOU REMEMBER ME? No is totally a accepted answer.
Due to my English Lit retake (HEY, LOVELY MARKERS!) I kinda... Dropped off the globe unexpectedly and without a announcement. But now, or yesterday if you want to count my exam zombification, my exam is over and I, hopefully, am back! Hurrah!
I won't promise super activity, since if I say that the world will explode and render that impossible, but I shall try to be around a lot more. And that means that Juni, Brigitta, Cally, Claudius and Emilia (I need a "A" character and a "D" character) shall hopefully be around a bit more too. Since I now have a relatively small amount of work to eat me until May.
Oh, yes, and if there are any threads/posts that you'd like me to tag just tell me! Since I shall try to be productive and things, when I have time and a self-poking pitchfork.
So, yeah. Sorry guys! But hopefully I shall be a bit less fail from now on <33 (at least for a few months; 'til the big ones ;;.)