I'm Wasted, You Can Taste It - chapter 4

Feb 23, 2012 09:41

Title: I’m Wasted, You Can Taste It - chapter 4

Author: lovethekirken AKA Alaska or Ale

Dedications: Everyone who has commented on this, y’all are too sweet (:


Summary: Jack, the school slut, will do anything to meet his favourite band, Blink 182, consisting of Travis Barker, Mark Hoppus, Tom Delonge, and Alex Gaskarth. He’d rebel his way into jail, whore his way out, even risk his whole life for them. All in hopes that once he does meet them, Alex will love him the way he loves Alex. But does Jack really know what love is? And if he doesn’t, will he stay to let Alex teach him what it is, or run from this person like he’s used to doing?

P.O.V.: Alex

Disclaimer: I don’t own anyone in the story only the plot

A/N: at the bottom

•                           •                            •

We’d been watching Home Alone for about 10 minutes, when I hear Jack’s breathing even out. By then, I knew he had fallen asleep and I take that as an opportunity to slip my arm around his waist and hold him like lovers hold each other.

It’d taken me a good 2 hours to really get to know the boy and saying I had a small crush on him would be an understatement. I don’t think I’d ever fallen for anyone this hard, this quickly before. I gotta say, it was nice, finding out so much about each other. To be honest, I felt like I knew the kid for more than 2 hours. 2 years maybe. I hope he felt the same way.

I knew a ton about the boy already, ranging from his date of birth to his taste in music, to what he looks for in guys, and just about anything and everything beyond and in between. He’d found out the same for me.

Before I knew it, I was drifting in and out of sleep. I didn’t want to have to let Jack wake up on the floor, so before I was completely out; I stepped over him onto the ground and picked him up bridal style carrying him to my bunk. I carefully placed him down on the side by the wall so that if anyone were to wake up on the floor, it’d be me.

Whoever said chivalry was dead?

After placing Jack down, I climbed in beside him after closing the curtain and wrapping both my arms around him. He was so sweet and looked incredibly angelic. He stirred slightly and wrapped and arm around me so I rested my chin on top of his head, falling back asleep. It was nice not falling asleep

---  ---  ---  ---

It had been approximately 9 hours before I woke up again. It was around 11 and it was because Tom and Mark had been not so quietly making their breakfast. I didn’t hear Travis though so I figured he’d gotten up a couple hours earlier to retrieve pain killers for the hangover he’d been sporting.

I heard a groan and felt stirring beside me. I smiled at who I’d been cuddling with last night.

I turn onto my side and smile at the large, deep brown eyes that met with mine and speak, “hey, good morning.”

An embarrassed flush crosses his face as he buries his face back into the pillow and mumbles something along the lines of mmmmmmphhhhhhhhhhh, good morning Alex. I can’t help but think again of how lucky I am to have met this adorable guy and have so much in common with him.

I mumble a ‘be right back’ and then sprint to the washroom to rinse my mouth with some mouthwash. I have fucking awful morning breath and Jack doesn’t need to find that out.

After gurgling a couple sips and spitting out, I walk back to the bunk area. I lay back down with Jack and turn to face him. I notice he’s chewing a piece of mint gum. Maybe he feels like I do too.

We smile at each other and I wrap my arm back around him feeling him nuzzle into my neck. His breathing is warm and soft and feels good on my skin. I can’t help but think of how much I want to kiss him.

---  ---  ---  ---

After an hour or so, Jack and I are walking towards my house, shared with my friend Rian. His car isn’t in the driveway or garage so I assume he’s out with his girlfriend, Cassadee.

I was really nervous about asking him to come over. I'm so glad he had easily accepted, a sunshine-like smile spreading over his perfect features.

“Nice place you got here,” he complimented as we walked in, I took his coat for him after we both kicked our shoes off, not caring too much where they landed at the little shoe area beside my front door.

I grimaced as I murmured a ‘thanks”. He smirked

I then wandered off to the kitchen, Jack following, and opened up the fridge as he hoisted himself up onto my countertop.

“HEY!” I yelped. “Off the countertop. I prepare my food there”

He smirked as he retorted “whatcha gonna do about it, you little diva?”

That’s it I thought silently. I giggled lightly as I pranced over to him with a sick smile on my face as I stopped in front of him.

“Alexxxxx........what’re y- AAAAHHHHHHH STOP IT! PUT ME DOWN!!” he continued on screaming after I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder carrying him into the living room and throwing him onto the couch. That’s when I decided to jump on him, straddle his waist and tickle him like there was no tomorrow.

“AHHH- AHHLEEEXXXX!!!! ST-UHH-AAAHH-STOP!!” he finally gasped out.

I pin his arms down and speak,

“is that going to teach you to stay off my countertops?” I ask as I lower my face down to his, our noses almost brushing and I hear his breathing steady which is incredibly fast for that considering how out of breath he just was due to my 3 minutes of tickling.

“yea” he breathes out and flickers his eyes down to my lips. I could tell he wants it, so I wait for him to make his first move. He’s got 10 seconds. I start the countdown in my head.


We’re staring into each others’ eyes.



I lower my face about half a millimetre as he tilts his up about half a millimetre.





Our noses brush.


Jack closes his eyes.


I close mine.

Our lips meet, and the number 1 goes through my mind.

Butterflies erupt in my stomach, fireworks go off in my mind and it’s just perfect. Jack licks my bottom lip, asking for more, so I grant him entrance. It’s really amazing, just kissing him. The fight for dominance begins like a civil war that is very quickly won by Jack as we passionately make out.

His tongue is exploring my mouth, as mine mirrors his actions. And it feels amazing. I release my grip on his arms so his calloused fingers start to pick at the hem of my shirt. I moan into his mouth when his hands find purchase on my hips and calmly rub circles into the soft skin there.

My hands wander up to his neck, then to his messy, bedhead-type ebony hair and it’s soft between my fingers as I grip onto it.

That’s when he pulls away, earning a whine from me, and looking me straight in the eyes.

He cracks a smile and we’re both panting as I lean my forehead against his forehead.

“hi,” he states.

“hey,” I say back. And we’re both smiling like fools and looking into each others’ eyes and as I lean back in for another kiss, we hear a door slam and I lift my head up to look out the window.

I see Rian getting out of Cassadee’s car and groan earning a questioning sound from Jack below me.

“my room mate’s back. We should get up.”

Jack whines as he gets up and hugs me, me hugging back as Rian, cockblock of the century comes into the house and notices my bulging boner.

Jack sees Rian’s eyes and follows his gaze, both boys staring at my achingly hard penis. Jack giggles and Rian smirks as Jack bends his neck to kiss my cheek, introduces himself to Rian, and wanders into my kitchen to grab a drink.

All the while I’m shooting daggers at Rian cock-block-of-the-mother-fucking-century Dawson.

A/N: k you guys if any of you wanna maybe message me and teach me how to like..use livejournal, as in help me with links and such...FEEL FREE TO!
if anyone actually does, i'll write you guys a sexy Jalex oneshot. or the first person who does so gets to chose the pairing and the occasion. deal? (:

i'm wasted, you can taste it

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