Dec 02, 2003 14:03
Pinhead Propaganda is a movement, a collective that creates music, shows and theme parties for all ages.Pinhead events are the alternative to overpriced mainstream events promoted by mega- corporations. Pinhead is one big community where musicians, artists, fans and friends all come together to create beautiful noise and chaos. Pinhead shows are about energy. a balance of chaos and creativity. Pinheads unite!
Join the movement! Fill out this short music survey and we'll PERIODICALLY email you with schedules of upcoming shows. And as a gift, we'll send you FREE CDs and videos featuring cutting-edge new music, FREE tickets and discounts to upcoming shows in your area and we'll mail you a link to legally download free music. NO POSTAGE REQUIRED. joining is absolutely free. TO JOIN, SIMPLY COPY, PASTE AND FILL OUT THIS SHORT MUSIC SURVEY AND EMAIL IT TO:
1) What kind of music do you currently like? choose one or more of the following:
Alternative, Classic Rock, Emo, Electronica, Garage Rock, Hardcore, Hip Hop, Metal, Punk, Ska, Rock, Or other.
2) Who is your favorite national band?/ Who is your favorite LOCAL band?
3)First Name, last name. Male or Female? Date of Birth?
4) Street Address, City, State, Zip Code.
5) Your Primary Email Address:
6)Instant Messenger Screen Name:
7)Phone Number
8)Would you like to receive emails regarding upcoming all ages shows, parties, events, merchandising discounts and free stuff? Yes or No
Watch for your free gift. It will say Pinhead Propaganda on the envelope.