Want FREE shit? Become a Pinhead

Dec 02, 2003 14:03

Pinhead Propaganda is a movement, a collective that creates music, shows and theme parties for all ages.Pinhead events are the alternative to overpriced mainstream events promoted by mega- corporations. Pinhead is one big community where musicians, artists, fans and friends all come together to create beautiful noise and chaos. Pinhead shows are about energy. a balance of chaos and creativity. Pinheads unite!

Join the movement! Fill out this short music survey and we'll PERIODICALLY email you with schedules of upcoming shows. And as a gift, we'll send you FREE CDs and videos featuring cutting-edge new music, FREE tickets and discounts to upcoming shows in your area and we'll mail you a link to legally download free music. NO POSTAGE REQUIRED. joining is absolutely free. TO JOIN, SIMPLY COPY, PASTE AND FILL OUT THIS SHORT MUSIC SURVEY AND EMAIL IT TO: WhenTheCuriousGirl@hotmail.com

1) What kind of music do you currently like? choose one or more of the following:
Alternative, Classic Rock, Emo, Electronica, Garage Rock, Hardcore, Hip Hop, Metal, Punk, Ska, Rock, Or other.

2) Who is your favorite national band?/ Who is your favorite LOCAL band?

3)First Name, last name. Male or Female? Date of Birth?

4) Street Address, City, State, Zip Code.

5) Your Primary Email Address:

6)Instant Messenger Screen Name:

7)Phone Number

8)Would you like to receive emails regarding upcoming all ages shows, parties, events, merchandising discounts and free stuff? Yes or No

EMAIL YOUR ANSWERS TO WhenTheCuriousGirl@hotmail.com

Watch for your free gift. It will say Pinhead Propaganda on the envelope.
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