Bad timing to ask for help on a weekend, I know, but I just found out I might need a business card by Monday, and I don't have much time to devote to it, so I thought I'd try to get some input from the trusty LJ ladies. For those of you who get a chance to respond, thank you!
Some of you may recall me talking about teaching Happiest Baby on the Block courses eons ago. I became a HBOTB certified educator, but really haven't done anything beyond that. My hope is to start teaching the classes at some point and develop that into a part-time parenting education and consultation practice so that I don't have to go back to work after Sibling. This Monday I have the opportunity to see Dr. Harvey Karp, the pediatrician behind the book, and perhaps meet with him. It spurred me into action (a little bit). Basically, I feel like I should have a business card to give to people who might be interested in learning more. I'm one of only two certified educators in the area, so it could be a good opportunity to guage interest.
I threw together a couple of business card mock ups, and would love input. These were done in a couple of 15 minute nap sessions, so feel free to rip them to shreds ;-) I don't need to come up with the be all end all right now, but I'd like to have something. The blue is really just to show the outline of the card. I'd like the logo to look ok stand alone, as well as incorportated into the card. In some instances, I see the "be" portion of the logo being colored a blue similar to the one used as background. At this point the only difference between the options os justification, but I am open to font suggestions, etc.
Option #1:
Option #2:
Option #3: