The liberals on this campus are too quiet.

Feb 01, 2005 19:54

So this is my rant about our friendly, local FMLA. I had high hopes for this group but, alas, they have done nothing but disappoint. silly me, I thought they were an activist group. It appears to me to be a clique.

12 pm-6 pm Saturday, Feb. 5
Location TBA

So you’ve been waiting for the right time to contribute to the wonderful V-Day
cause. Here is your opportunity, especially if you are artistic (which, based on
your profiles, accounts for about 75% of you). This Saturday is our last “Stitch
‘n’ Bitch,” a day of crafts, fun, and feminist bonding with the some badass
vagina warriors.

Do you see what I mean? I absolutely consider myself to be a feminist but I don't want to be associated with that nonsense. FMLA(denton) does nothing but give feminists a bad name. They don't achieve any they even have goals? How is sitting around bitching about things while doing crafts helping the female citizens of this country? Seriously. Don't get me wrong. I am all for crafts and being creative. I mean, I sit around on sunday nights and crochete. However, "stitch 'n' bitch"? "vagina warriors"? More like vagina snore-iors! hah. I'm awesome. Go do something productive! Make flyers about the issues! Get signatures! Do something! Am I the only one who is seeing the backlash from groups like this? Is anybody else noticing the shift in society's desire to keep women in the home..Does anyone even care that our current politicans have reverted back to the 50's mentality? Come on FMLA. Get your act together. If you are an FMLA-er, don't take it personally. I think I might feel the same way about the SSC and I'm part of that.

Million4roe has even provided flyers specifically.
National Advisory Council on Violence Against Women and the Violence Against Women Office
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