A Bad Night {One Shot}

Apr 29, 2011 00:13

Title: A Bad Night
Pairing: No particular pairing just all of them. Hints of JaeSu and Yoosu that’s about it I think…
Rating: PG
Summary: They have one of those days where they wish they could turn it all around.

A/N: So yeha I forgot to write my DBSK/JYJ fic for Easter so I hope this works instead. It’s just been a bad week and I’m ready for classes to be over. May 11th is my last day of finals so yeha.. I’m excited I hope you enjoy.. Comments welcome ^_^

‘Such a lonely life.’ He thought to himself. ‘I just wish my best friend didn’t move away or that I knew how to make friends properly.’ He sighed heavily returning to his studies.

A voice cut though his reading. “Can you believe that May 11 is the last day of finals?” The voice sounded like a human version of a dolphin.

“Yes I can believe it.” Another voice chimed in. “I have been waiting for this day since the semester started.”

“Chun,” there was a soft sigh, “You say that every year.”

The two giggled and were shushed by the librarian after a few minutes of silence the man continued back with his studies groaning again.

Though he didn’t know how long he had been there he felt a hand on his shoulder. “Excuse me? Can we join you?” That was the dolphin voice that had been speaking earlier but this time much softer.

He nodded and the two other sat down at the table pulling out their books and started to read. After about five minutes one of them spoke up.

“I’m sorry but what is your name?” It wasn’t the dolphin voice so he assumed that is was the person named Chun.

He looked up “Its Jaejoong. But you can call me Jae.” He smiled slightly before returning to his studying.

“I’m Yoochun and that’s Junsu. You can call me Chun and him.” He pointed to the other male there and grinned. “You can call him, Su or my favorite one Duck-Butt.”

Jae looked up at the two and smiled genuinely at them. “I like the Duck butt but I think I’ll call him Su. It seems more fitting.”

Su looked up and smiled ear to ear at that. He then slapped Yoochun on the arm. “I told you he wouldn’t call me that.”

All three of them started laughing and joking until they were told to stop as the librarian threatened to kick them out. Jae smiled like he never had before. He missed this with his old friends. He would never admit it but the fun times in the library were the best for him.

“Hey Jae?” Junsu called out.

Jae looked at the man. “Yeah?”

“You wanna hang out?” Chun butted in.

Jae pondered. ‘What finals do I really need to study for?’ He kept his thoughts going. “Ummm I think I am free for the afternoon. Why?”

Yoochun rolled his eyes. “Because we asked. Is that good enough for you?”

Jae nodded. The three of them packed up their bags and headed out of the library.

Jae found out that all of them lived on campus and matter of fact in the same dorm and on the same floor. He was surprised he had never seen them before. Though they said that they had seen him but didn’t know his name. Jae had shrugged at the thought and remembered that not many people knew his name.

A few hours later the three of them were sitting in Jae’s room as his roommates were the only ones that weren’t home.

“So how long have you been going here?” Jae asked quietly unsure of how to ask any questions.

“Junsu and I have been here for about a year, yourself?”

Jae lowered his head. “I’ve been here for about three years.”

Yoochun and Junsu looked at Jae with concerned eyes. As soon as Junsu and Yoochun stopped looking at Jae they had come up with a plot between them as a silent agreement.

“Jae we weren’t going to tell you this but it seems that we must. We know your birthday was a while ago and we asked your roommates what you wanted for your birthday. And… well tomorrow it will arrive. We just wanted to get to know you a little better before we gave it to you.”

Jae smiled at the two and took them into a tight hug.

“CUT!” was yelled through the air. Jae sighed relieved. He loved filming but he was tired of it. It wasn’t that he didn’t love his members but he needed his space some days.

“Great job Jae, Yoochun, Su.” The director commented before walking away.

“Jae you ok?” Someone asked tapping Jae on the shoulder.

He nodded and yawned. “I am fine just need some sleep.” He moved away from the person not looking back to see who it was.

As soon as Jae arrived at the hotel he fell onto the bed face down and mumbled into the pillows. “I miss him so much why do people have to script the split between us.” He sighed and rolled onto his back. “I miss him I really do.” Shortly after sleep over took his body.


“Su I’m worried about Jae he normally turns to look to see who is talking to him. He didn’t even shrug.” Yoochun said after the two had reached their shared hotel room.

“I’m sure it’s nothing if nothing else tomorrow we can figure something out.” Su said settling himself on the lightweight bed.

Yoochun agreed and slipped under the covers of his bed. ‘I wish I could help both of you move on. We all miss them but this drama isn’t helping at all.’ Yoochun thought to himself as he softly hear Junsu start snoring next to him.


“NO! I’m not going to do it I’m not!” Jae started screaming.

Yoochun was the first to hear it. It was 3am and neither of the members knew what was going on. The screaming continued before one of the managers slammed open the door of Yoochun’s and Junsu’s room.

“Will one of you wake him up please?” He was almost pleading.

Yoochun nodded and climbed out of bed and moved to the next room to wake up the elder.

“Jae.. Jae… JAE!” Yoochun shook the elder and the screaming continued.

“Let Me GO!” The yelling had brought a crowd to outside of the room. “Yunho, Please just let me go. You aren’t coming with me.”

His voice had calmed down and he was slowly starting to stop fighting with Yoochun and Junsu who had joined a couple seconds after.

“Chun, what are we going to about this?” Junsu raised Jae’s left arm and showed Yoochun.

Yoochun gasped and looked at the right arm. There were similar stripes along them. Neither one of them had noticed Jae with a sharp object that could make such wounds appear. Yoochun started to say something when he heard Jae start to wake up.

“Chunnie, Su, What’s going on?” Jae said his voice very hoarse.

Junsu let go of Jae’s arm and walked out of the room. Yoochun watched as Junsu left then looked back at Jae who was very curious as why the two were in his room.

“Chunnie please tell me?” Jae asked calmly.

Yoochun shook his head and walked out of the room.

When Yoochun reached his room and saw Su crying in the manager’s arms. The manager gave Yoochun pleading looks before letting go of Junsu.

“I want a full explanation of why Junsu just came in here and sat in my lap and started crying. But not now in the morning.” The manager left the room and Junsu curled up into a ball on his bed.

“I… I…I… I just w..w..ant to know w…why he would do that” Junsu stuttered out.

“I do to.” Yoochun agreed .

Jae shot p in bed “What the hell was that?” He looked around his room. “I think I have officially lost it.” He nodded in agreement with himself.

He saw that he was on his own bed at home. He walked around his house trying to recall what had just happened.

“I’m so confused.” He mumbled under his breath. “I’m just going back to bed and pretend that none of this happened.” He smiled and moved towards the room and remembered the fun times that he had with DBSK. He missed Yunho and Changmin but they couldn’t change their minds about the group.

“Jae?” A voice sounded from the kitchen. “What are you doing up this early you are never up at this time?”

Jae walked to the polished kitchen and stood in the doorway. “I couldn’t sleep. What about you Junsu?”


“Bad dream?”

Junsu nodded and the two moved closer to hug each other.

“I miss them Jae I really do but I know we need to move on.” Junsu shuddered against Jae.

“I miss them too Su.” Jae said rubbing the younger’s back. “Hey tell me about your dream and I”ll tell you about mine and then we can fall asleep on the squishy couch.” Jae smiled at the younger who quietly nodded.

The two of them shuffled to the couch never letting go of the other.

Yoochun walked out the next morning to see the two of them together like this. They all had the same dream that resulted in Jae screaming and Junsu crying and Chun not knowing what to do.

Yoochun smiled and put on a pot of coffee before waking the two for them to get ready for the day’s schedule.


A/N: So this really didn’t turn out how I wanted it but it worked. Sorry for the bad ending but it’s what I could come up with on little sleep and also at midnight.

length: oneshot, author: l, pairing: yoochun/jaejoong/junsu, rating: pg, genre: general

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