Title: Amnesia 2/?
Rating: PGish
Pairing: Soohyun/Kevin
Summary:Soohyun tries to win Kevin’s heart back after fateful events had occurred. (it’s been waaay too long since I have written one of these)
A/N: So I am trying to get back into writing but things are coming up that have prevented me from doing so but I have a notebook that I keep all my stories in so as I get them typed up they will be posted. ^_^ I’ll try and update sooner next time.
Kevin felt like he knew the area that he was in. the only problem is he wasn’t sure where he was. As soon as Kevin got off Soohyun’s property the younger sat on the sidewalk and just started at the houses around him.
The house across the street seemed the most familiar. The house itself was all white on top with brick on the bottom. There was a giant pine tree that sat in the front yard that seemed to still have Christmas decorations on it. Though the house seemed familiar he still didn’t have an idea of where he was.
Kevin sighed as he realized that he couldn’t remember his childhood. Matter of fact he couldn’t remember graduating high school. Of course he had pictures but he had no recollection of it.
The young man stood up from his place on the street and faced the house he just walked out of.
“Oh no…” Kevin whispered under his breath.
Soohyun wept as he watched Eli lead Kevin out. He knew there was nothing he could do. Yes, he had been following younger for a few weeks now but he was sure that Kevin remembered him. Apparently he was wrong.
The older man heard the front door close. He stood up from where he was on the floor and stared out the window. Soohyun tried to get his composure back but there was no hope for the elder. Soohyun watched Kevin’s every move. As soon as Kevin sat on the ground Eli walked into the room and stood next to the older man.
“You know, I thought he would remember me.” Soohyun said as he turned away from the window.
Eli placed a hand on Soohyun’s shoulder. “Someday he will, today just wasn’t that day.”
The two men stared at each other not sure what to make of anything. The room was extremely quiet until someone sighed. As soon as the noise had been made the two heard a slamming of the front door. Soohyun and Eli looked at each other completely confused; Eli then looked out the window to see the bright yellow Porsche sitting in the driveway. Kevin was looking up at the window with a confused gaze.
“Umm… Soo-“ Eli got out before the bedroom door flung open.
“SOOHYUN! What the hell is HE doing here?!” The man pointed out the window referring to Kevin who was still standing outside.
Soohyun starred at the other for a minute before he said anything. “Dongho, please-“
The elder was cut off, “You promised you wouldn’t do this anymore. What did you use this time to get him here?” Dongho spoke with an aggravated tone. “Did you use a frying pan, a bribe, or did you poison his drink?”
Soohyun hung his head in shame. He knew Dongho was right. He had promised himself and the others that he wouldn’t go after Kevin anymore.
Dongho shook his head, “Soohyun-“ he said with a disappointed tone, “I really don’t have the patience for this. He DOESN’T remember you! Just LEAVE HIM ALONE!”
The younger man stormed out of the room mumbling under his breath about Kevin and Soohyun.
Soohyun looked out the window and noticed that Kevin was gone. The older man sat on his bed and urged for Eli to leave him alone as he wept.
‘No this can’t be.’ Kevin thought to himself.
A bright yellow car scared Kevin as it pulled into the driveway. The man got out and glared at Kevin. He wasn’t sure who the other man was but Kevin was afraid at what may happen if he said anything to the him.
The other slammed his car door and stormed into the house Kevin has just come out of. Kevin looked up to the window to see Eli looking out at the younger.
As soon as Eli turned around Kevin decided that now was a good time to call Kibum and have him pick him up.
Chapter 1 Chapter 3