Jul 27, 2011 18:51
sup people it is i the great and fairly weak mathew, sorry i havent posted in good while but i was suffering from a double ear infection so bad and so painful i couldn't even open my mouth wide enough to eat a cracker though even chewing that was excrutiateing but im am fine now though still my hearing is not back to normal not really sure when that will be back to its usual perfection it has already been a while i must say i somewhat fear that i did permanent damage because it took me so long to seek medical help but who knows it still works at least it is just the little noises that i don't seem to catch any more. i have been enjoying my stay with my cuz a lot still haven't got my fourth tattoo yet but we do keep talking about it so hopefullyll by the end of august i will have it i think it will be some kind of owl or wolf dragon combo not sure yet. sooo something semi weird happened a few weeks ago i had resarted my friendship with lendsy, i think she forgot how i act with girls LOL her boyfriend didn't like it too much wich is odd i likehim just find anyway i think i got her band from calling me again sense i haven heard from her sense i had an unexpected chat with the BF i not really sure why he seemed friendly enough but what ever i will have to remember not to be so pervy in the future no matter how funny i find it i think others get weirded out about i for get they are not much like my family so sorry to lendsy if i made life hell for ya. my mother has not asked for money from me in so many months i am almost hepeful that we can have a normal relation ship one that doesn't involve guilt and me in the gutter scrounging for what the rats haven't got to. that is a dramatization of couse but sometimes it made me feel that way . bought a new computer that a DJ got red of it is pretty cool i haven't got internet yet so i still have to come to the shop to look up anime updates and amazon and of couse journal but i am hoping that by october i will have the cash to put the net on it, my sousin keeps suggesting i start writing a book i am intrigued of couse but not really sure how to go about it all i will have to keep thinking and find some one to go through and put all the correct structuring in it because i find that part incrdibly boring and tedious as you no doubt see in my journal writing but i will see first i need web access for research purposes but what ever. and no negative comment suvaana about how you practically had to beat me to finish reports in high school i swear im slightly different now. any way that is it for now i will update again soon i hope seey peeps