Jul 18, 2010 17:54
first off the R on this computer is broken so don't be tooo surprised if you some missing. sooooooooooooo what should i telll you well i am living like a beggar in my mother's basement which is so clishe it makes me want to vomit had to move out of my apartment for two reason didn't have enough to feed my self money wise and i was basically stuck on the complete othe side of town from any one who could help or just in general keep me company. the food thing was the major issue though sense i went an entie week with out eating anything except bread and water couse now i am stuck in some kind of fucked up hell that will never end. first off let me state i am seriously considering neve having children o even a relationship ever for any reason. my average day consists of five, cont them five screaming babies that never once shut up and two couples that ae so hatful toward each other i would gladly pay for them to move to completely different state from eachother, my only refuge is to run to my gandmothe's house but my brother steven the lucky bastard has already managed to move in thee and my grandma's not to keen on us two being in the same area fo too long, something about us always fighting or something boys will be boys you know. anyway i almost got in a serious fight with this gil named heather he and her boyfriend are stay with us anyway she got in midlle of something me and my sister wer arguing about i told he to shut the fuck up and of couse as i was making my dramatic exit the baby hourde came runing unde foot i but her son and she of couse started screaming full tilt that i attacked he son afte trying to explain what had happened because it just a little bump against my legs that made him fall i do it so often that by now she should know i don't do it on pupose and that it embaresses me to no end every time i do it, but no she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs that i was a baby killerras she is practally flailing he pefectly fine son aond by one arm. i of couse lost it and attempted to thow her out in the street into on coming traffic. luckily my rages while extreme i lightnig quick and i was able to stop my self barely long enough to geve her a chance to run a way then she sent he boyfiend to me and he was able to calm me down enough to explain everythin. this is just one hour of one day of my perpetual hell usually they all ae sceaming at each othe tha whole day through like banshees i am seiously considering suicide thank god for my books they at least provide me some sanctuary and thanks fo the couple hours of blissful silence i can get at my grandmothe's. no job as of yet though i have tried, mother keeps manipulating me into giving he shitloads of money for he baby hourde and that thug she calls a husbanda all well i will just continue to endue until 2012 then hope i am dragged down into hell for some good peace and quiet. welll i bette get off herr see ya for now, oh octo i know i said i get back to you but i haven't had a phone in months and i lost your number so if you would could you post one for me. thanks peace