Rock What you Got - A Stephanie Brown fanmix

Sep 10, 2011 07:03

Unbreakable - Fireflight
"Sometimes it's hard to just keep going
But faith is moving without knowing
Take me where I've never been
I want to go there
This time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable
No one can touch me
Nothing can stop me"

Hey Hey (Vampires Vs. Cheerleaders Mix) - Superchic[k]
"Some people you can never please
You might as well just let them be
Why try to be like someone else
When you can only be yourself?
No one can sing the song you do
Be true, be legendary you
So I won't sell out,
Why kiss the feet of the people who kick you
When you can be anything that you want to?"

Brave - Kelis
"I was super cool
But now I'm super strong
I had nothing to loose
But I was super wrong
It was the circumstance
I got the power from
I'm a braveheart
So come and play my purple heart"

Gave me a Promise - Fireflight
"The waves are crashing down on me
But I know that this cannot be the end, be the end...
Right now I feel like copping out
I will hold on to this hope that I have
You gave me a promise
You gave me a promise
I'll push through this moment, I'll never give up"

Better - Plumb
"I don't want to care
And I don't want to hate
And I don't want to see you fall too far away
All because of fear
'Cause when you're afraid
You lash out at me
When you say all the things that you never meant to say
And try to break me
But in the end, what leaves you broken
in the end, makes you better"

Coming out Strong - Ana Johnsson
"Hey... You're smiling again 
Leave the scars the future is waiting 
You've tried 
But you can't escape yourself 
Don't you let yourself down? 
Just throw all that all shit out 
It's the rest of your life 
And it's starting there "

Stand up (Mob Action Mix) - Superchic[k]
"Stand up write the soundtrack for your life
It doesn't happen to you,you happen to life
Stand up, do somthing with your light
It doesn't happen to you, you happen to life"

Hang on - Plumb
"i'm so stubborn, it's how i got here
hang on when the water is rising
hang on when the waves are crashing
hang on just don't ever let go"

Stand up - Fireflight
"Secrets got me torn apart
Trying to destroy my heart
But I can see the light
It's cutting through the night
Stand up if you're broken
Stand up!
Stand up if you feel ashamed
You are not alone when you hurt this way
Stand up!
Stand up if you need love
Stand up!
This is not judgment day
You don't have to hide
There's no need to run
Everything will be okay"

Rock what you got (Fight Underdog Fight!) - Superchic[k]
"This one's for the beaten down 
The ones who lost their rock and roll 
Rise up you lost ones claim your crown 
You were born to rock inside your soul
Rock what you got 
Don't ever let them make you stop 
Rock what you got 
Light up the lot 
No one can rock the way you rock "

Download here:

There are clearly some groups that I just find very Stephanie, can you tell?

This post I dedicate to Stephanie Brown, a character who many seem to love or hate for some reason. Which is sad, you'd think DC killing her off once would be bad enough, but nope! Oh well. I hope you guys enjoy the mix! I'm not going to explain why I picked each individual track, but instead just admit that this is someething I've had in mind for a while, because all of these songs just remind me inherently of her.

Anyways for those unfamiliar with it this is my start for the fantastic womenlovefest that started yesterday. womenlovefest is an awesome week long thing that's being held in order to celebrate the female characters in our fandoms that we love, but who seem to get more than their share of hate.As someone who tends to love characters that fandom hates (Rinoa Heartilly, Serah Farron, etc) I couldn't help but jump right into the spirit of things. A day late sure, but I've never been known for being punctual! XD

It's already started, but by all means feel free to participate! The more the merrier! Or maybe just stalk some of your characters to see what other people come up with. The choice is yours.
I swear I'm actually going to post icons soon. Honest! Also crossposting this to my personal joural.

&fanmix, fandom: dc, !pimp out, poster: lumati

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