26 icons from Final Fantasy VIII

May 01, 2011 00:05

This round has been pretty intense for me. Tornado warnings, blackouts, sicknesses and a wealth of other things. Guess this'll teach me not to put my icons off until the last few days, right? Okay, probably not but it's a nice thought.

So after much trial and tribulation here's my next set for otp20in20! I'm still feeling frazzled so I won't say much. Squall and Rinoa are probably close to if not my favorite fictional couple ever. If I had to pick one pairing that truly was it for me, it'd probably have to be this one. I could go on and on about how they're so balanced and about the yin/yang of it all, but I won't. Onto the icons!

20 for otp20in20
6 alternates

Main themesBeginningFar CropFairy TaleDuplicated ImageBook Title


Special CategoryTemperanceTowerEmpressLoversSun

Artist's Choice12345



Iconmakers Notes

I think most of these speak for themselves.
5 - Book title. I went digging in my bookshelf for this. Angel of Mercy.
6 - Seasons. It's supposed to be spring, but I dunno if that came through very well.
9 - Time. Is it cheating to use Time Compression? It was supposed to show them passing each other in time, but I don't think I quite achieved that fact. Oops?

Temperance - I was trying to show how they balance each other out. Part of temperance is about just that. Opposites that provide balance. Which is something that really hits home for a couple like Squall and Rinoa. He's stoic and emotionally withdrawn. She's outgoing and vibrant. Maybe it was cheap to take Squall from Disk 1 and Rinoa from Disk 4? I kind of see a yin/yang to this icon, but I couldn't get it to translate physically. I guess I've got a long way to go on that front.
Tower - The tower card typically represents a turning point and I've always felt this scene is really the big switch up in the game. That and I thought it'd be convenient to imply falling since all tower cards seem to have falling people on them.
Empress - Maybe it's weird, using Squall to show the maternal side of the Empress, but it was the first thing I could think of. He's just so tender and caring in this entire part of the game that it gives me warm fuzzies inside. I feel it perfectly shows the nurturing and caring of the Empress mother despite it's odd portrayal.
Lovers - Another card that I threw together in the last half hour. I did pick this particular scene for the Lovers, because I feel it really cements their relationship better than any of their vows could have. I really am a sucker for romance I guess.
Sun - I feel this one was a cop out, but it does actually portray the joy/verve/zest that the sun card often implies. I've honestly got nothing deep to say here.

Comments are love
Credit is nice but not required
Please don't alter without asking first.

poster: lumati, video game: final fantasy

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