(no subject)

Dec 24, 2010 02:35

Happy Holidays from both of us here at lovestoryicon!
In a belated celebration of the Holiday season I'm going to go ahead and open up requests!

1. maximum of 5 colored images or 2 manga colorings
2. HQ images are highly encouraged
3. If you're requesting manga coloring, please provide the color references!
4. I'll close this request when I feel like doing it- so there's always free spot until then.

1. Maximum of 3 colored images or 1 manga coloring
2. HQ images are highly encouraged
3. If you're requesting manga coloring, please provide the color references!

For icons

References: (For manga coloring only)
Fandoms: (FANDOM HERE)
Note: (Let me know if you have specific technique for your request from my previous icon batches or just put N/A if you don't have any)
Shareable?: Y/N

For headers/banners

Preferences: (For manga coloring only)
Fandoms: (FANDOM HERE)
Shareable?: Y/N

PS: If the interest in requests isn't very great, it's likely I'll be all for offering more for the ones who are interested. (Aka icons and a header and that sort of thing.)

!mod post, poster: lumati, &requests

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